The Criminals of Islam

By Shabbir Ahmed, M.D. (Passed away in November 2022)
Mrs Farida Ahmed
6440 NW 53 ST
Lauderhill, FL 33319

(Disclaimer - This is an important book for all people of the world. Criticising questionable Hadiths is the call of the day. I agree to not all but many contents of this book - Hasan Mahmud). 


  1. Wrongs from the ‘Right’ Bukhari
  2. Sufis (Mystics) The Alien Plant in the Soil of Islam
  3. Imams: “Stalwarts” of Islam in Mutual Combat
  4. Mulla-in-Chief of 20th Century – Maudoodi
  5. More Mullas
  6. Two in One: Ghazali
  7. Sahaba and the Criminals
  8. Assortment 
  9. Observations of a True Mu’min
  10. Observations of a Bright Adversary
  11. The Advisory Council
  12. Questions & Answers
  13. The Book Ends, Your Reflection Begins...


Wrongs from the ‘Right’ Bukhari

Most of the references given here belong to Bukhari published by Madina Publishing Company, Karachi, 1982, Printer Hamid & Co. The translator is “Maulana” Abdul Hakim Khan Shahjahan Puri.

At the outset, please know that a great scholar of Islam, Ubaidullah Sindhi concedes, "I cannot teach Bukhari hadith to any youngster, or to a non-Muslim because of shame" (Preface to Ilham-ur-Rahman).  Let’s explore why he said this…

Mahmood bin Rabe narrates, “I still remember when I was five years old, the Holy Prophet rinsed his mouth and then poured the water into mine” (Kitabul Ilm vol.2, hadith 77).  Could the Exalted Prophet hold any human being at that level of inferiority?

Kitabul Ilm ahadith 91, 92, 93 states: The Prophet’s cheeks turned red, his face became red with anger . . . and so onThis statement is absolutely at variance with the Prophet’s character, and appears to have been fabricated to defame him.  This is only one of the hundreds of such narratives that portray him to be a man of temper. The Holy Prophet, in fact, was a cool-minded person with exceptional self-control.

Prophet Solomon boasted that he would impregnate one hundred women in one night, but only one woman became pregnant and gave birth to a half-formed child (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:110).  This tragedy is reported elsewhere to have occurred because Solomon did not say "Insha-Allah” before going to his hundred wives.

The (Exalted) Messenger used to visit all nine of his wives every night (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:52).   On the other hand, Bukhari repeatedly narrates that the Holy Prophet used to stand at prayers all night.  So much so that his feet used to swell. 

The Holy Messenger used to have intercourse with all of his wives in one hour of the day and night (without taking a bath) and these (wives) were eleven.  The narrator tries to preempt an objection by stating that he (the Holy Prophet) had the (sexual) power of 30 men (Bukhari, Book of Bath 1:189).   The Mulla mind has so terribly affected our masses that even derogatory statements such as this become praiseworthy.  The Holy Prophet was a perfect guide to humanity.  He was not a man of unbridled desire.  The women who lived in his household were primarily there for shelter.  Only a contemptuous mind can perceive the Mothers of Believers as objects of pleasure for the Prophet.   Bukhari highlights the above hadith by putting a special heading:  “to have sex with many women with only one bath.”

 The Prophet said that the best man amongst his followers is the one who has the greatest number of wives (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:52).  The Qur'an (49:13) tells us that the best person is the one who is best in conduct. 

The Holy Prophet asked, “Who will buy this slave from me?”  Hazrat Naeem bought him for 800 Darham (Bukhari, Kitabul Ikrah p.669).   Did the Prophet sell slaves?!  

Aisha said to the Prophet, “Won’t you rather graze your camel onto a tree whose leaves have not yet been grazed?” Arwa bin Zubair said that Aisha meant she was the only virgin the Prophet had married (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:55). 

The Prophet disapproved of his companion Jabir’s plan to marry a widow and asked, "Why did you not marry a virgin so that you played with her and she played with you?" (reference same).   The Holy Prophet was extremely compassionate to widows and divorced women.    

Hazrat Ali stated that he suffered from “jiryan” (drainage of prostate secretions) constantly (Bukhari, Kitabul Ilm p.150).  This fictitious condition is widely believed in the East to take away manhood completely.  Someone is trying to dishonor the great mujahid of Islam.  

The sun rises between the two antlers of Satan (Bukhari 2:134). 

Prophet Abraham lied three times (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:57).  After insulting the Patriarch of Faith, the narrator goes on to justify the accusation with lame arguments.  

After the fall of Khyber, people described the beauty of Safia Bint Hui, the new bride of a slain enemy soldier.   The Prophet chose her for himself.  On the way to Madina he stopped and had intercourse with her.   His companions did not know if she was a wife or a concubine.  Later, a veil was drawn between her and the men-folk and they came to know that she was a wife (Bukhari, Book of Sales and Book of Nikah 3:59).  Elsewhere, the narrator of the wicked story states that Safia was initially given to Wahia Kulbi, but because of her beauty, the Prophet chose her for himself, and asked Wahia to pick another woman. 

    An important reminder: The Qur'an (47:4) ordains that prisoners of war are to be freed either for ransom or as an act of kindness.  There is no third option.  How could the Prophet and his holy companions enslave human beings? 

The Prophet said, “Bad luck, misfortune and doom can exist in a wife, a home and a horse” (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:60).   

“After my time, the greatest tribulation for men will be women” (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:61). 

The Prophet said to a man, "I make you the owner of this woman because you can recite some Surahs of the Qur'an" (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:69).  

“A woman presented herself to the Prophet.  He intently gazed at her from head to toe and then lowered his head” (meaning she did not interest him) (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:71).

 Have you noted the degradation of women in the above five ahadith?  Could these be the words and deeds of the Holy Prophet?  The Qur’an testifies that the Exalted Prophet was the best in conduct (68:4) and a model for all mankind (33:21). 

When the Prophet married Aisha, she was 6 years old, and the marriage was consummated when she was 9 (and he was 54) (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:75).  On the other hand, the Qur'an ties marriage to adulthood and mental maturity by declaring marriage a solemn covenant (4:21).  There is strong historical evidence contrary to Bukhari, but our Mulla loves nothing but trash of this kind.  The Holy Prophet never did anything against the Qur’an.  “His character was the Qur’an,” (Hazrat Aisha). 

I saw that most of those entering the gate of hellfire were women (Bukhari, Book of Nikah 3:97). 

Fitna (tribulation) is in the East (Bukhari, Book of Talaq 3:132).  We seriously doubt that the Holy Prophet, called the “mercy for the worlds” by Allah, could confine his vision to East or West. 

Aisha said to the Prophet, “Ah! My head is bursting.”   He said, “I wish it did.”   Aisha responded:  “You want me to die so that you can spend the next night with another wife” (Bukhari, Book of Medicine, vol.3). 

Run from the leper as you run from the lion (Bukhari, Book of Medicine 3:259).  Against this see the contradiction in several sources:  “There is no such thing as a contagious disease.”

A man inquired, “We earn income from these bondwomen, (other narratives mention prostitution) so can we do coitus interruptus with them?” The Prophet said, “There is no sin in doing that” (Kitabul Qadr 3:543).  The most famous Mulla of the 20th century, Maudoodi, comments on this hadith that it is alright for a master to marry off a slave girl to another while using her for all personal services (except sex) (Tafhim 1:340). 

Some people got sick in Madina.  The Prophet advised them to drink camel's urine and milk.  After they became well, they killed a shepherd.  The Prophet ordered that their hands and feet be chopped off and their eyes enucleated.   They were laid on burning sand.  When they asked for water it was denied them.  So much so that they tasted sand until they died (Kitabul Mahrabain and Kitabut Tib p.254).  Dear Reader, could the compassionate and merciful Prophet order torture on human beings?  Is it possible that the narrator of this hadith wants to portray the Holy Prophet as barbaric?  Could this narrator be a true Muslim?

Seeing a black woman in a dream is the sign of an oncoming epidemic (Kitabul Ta'abir).  Alas, the poor woman!  Here comes more…

The Prophet’s wives awoke late one morning.  He said, “Many women who are dressed up in this world will be raised unclothed in the Hereafter” (Kitabul Fatan 3:718). 

Some Muslims sided with Mushrikeen and idolaters and invited them to attack the Prophet! (Kitabul Fatan 3:723).  The Qur’an mentions all of the Holy companions as staunch believers (8:74) with whom Allah was pleased (9:100).    

The Exalted Prophet said, “I will be the first one to regain consciousness in Qiamat, but I will find prophet Moses holding the foot of the Throne of God (Hadith 1750 p.784).  This hadith has obviously been contrived by some non-Muslim to indicate the superiority of Prophet Moses over Mohammad (SA).

I was walking outside and suddenly saw the angel of Hira sitting on a throne that filled the earth and the sky.  I was terrified so much that I was about to fall to the ground (Hadith 471 p.224).   The Exalted Prophet was the most courageous person the planet has ever seen and angels are not fond of playing tricks with prophets. 

Ali Murtaza and Fatima prayed only when they could get up from sleep.  The Prophet rebuked them, "Man is more contentious than all other things"  (Kitabul Aetesam). 

The Prophet allowed Mohammad bin Muslima to kill a non-Muslim, Kaab bin Ashraf, through deception (Kitabul Jihad 2:134). 

The Prophet used to become very restless and frightened whenever he saw the sky overcast (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:213).  The Holy Prophet preached against omens and superstitions and was a man of great courage.

Hoors (beauties of heaven) will be full-breasted and free of menstruation (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:225).

    Important Note: Hoor is plural in Arabic meaning “intelligent and righteous companions”.  Ahwar is the male gender and haoora is the female.  The promise of such companions in Paradise is referred to in the Holy Qur’an 44:54 and 52:20.   For centuries, our historians and Imams have portrayed hoors only as voluptuous women of Paradise.

The hellfire complained to Allah, "One part of me is eating the other part."   So, the hellfire was allowed two breaths - one in summer and one in winter.  That is how you see the change of seasons (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:231).

Azan, (the call to prayer), puts Satan to flight, expelling gas as he runs away (Bukhari Beginning of Creation 2:237). 

Satan rests at night in your noses (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:241).

A rooster sees angels, and a donkey sees Satan (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:213).

Rats are the lost tribe of Israel because they drink not the camel's milk, but drink goat’s milk (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:244).  The camel was prohibited as a food source for the Israelites.

The above statements need no comment except that only a foolish mind can accept them as coming from the wisest man the planet has ever known.

Five animals are sinful, so kill them even in Makkah:  rat, scorpion, eagle, crow, and a biting dog (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:245).

The Prophet ordered the killing of dogs (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:247).  Elsewhere it says the killing of all black dogs was ordered.

Woman was created from the rib so she will always remain crooked.  Leave her crooked (Bukhari, Beginning of Creation 2:251).  This is a Biblical statement.  Later, it adds and reap advantage.    The Qur'an does not state that woman was created from a rib. 

Prophet Job was bathing.  Locusts of gold started raining on him (Kitabul Anbia).

Mamoona said that she gazed at the Prophet taking a bath after intercourse, until she saw him wash his private parts (Bukhari, The Book of Bath 1:193).  The Prophet declared that modesty is a part of faith. Modesty and faith are tied together.   However, for centuries our Mullas have been repeating, “There is no shame in religion.”  Many a woman has been dishonored on this assumption.  A hadith was made up in the name of Hazrat Aisha praising Ansari women for asking questions without concern for modesty or shame.  To our Imams and Mullas, questions of religion comprise in great part of sex, bath, menstruation, concubines, multi-marriages, divorce, and the like. Witness another example of shamelessness:

Abu Hurairah reported, "When tips of the genitalia meet, and the man sits between the woman's legs and pushes, a bath becomes obligatory(Bukhari 1:95, chapter 201).  Thanks for the details!

Aisha said, "The Prophet used to place a pillow in my lap even though I would be menstruating, and then he would recite the Qur'an" (Bukhari, Book of Bath).   Can even an ordinary Muslim, do this?!

If the Prophet wanted to have intercourse with a menstruating wife, he ordered her to tie a loincloth even though the menstruation would be at its peak.  Then he had intercourse.  Whoever has concocted this hadith adds a contrary statement:  Aisha said, "No one of you has as much control over his desire as the Prophet had!" (The Book on Menstruation 1:98, chapter 207).

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet said, "I was praying.  Satan came in front of me and tried to force me to break my prayers.  Allah gave me control over him and I threw him down.  I thought of tying him with a pillar so that you could see him in the morning (Bukhari 1:469, chapter 766).  According to another hadith, which agrees with the Qur'an, there is a Satan (temptation) within each person.

Fasting castrates (Bukhari 1:685).  No comments. 

Aisha relates, “The Prophet used to have intercourse with us and kissed us while he was fasting.”  Then she shied away smiling  (Bukhari 2:691). 

Khola bint Hakeem presented herself to the Prophet.  Aisha exclaimed, “The woman does not feel ashamed of saying this!” However, the Prophet started receiving a revelation and Aisha complained, “O’ Messenger of Allah! I see that your Lord rushes to fulfill your desires” (Bukhari, Kitabun Nikah p.67).  Here, some criminal is trying to create doubt in the Holy Revelation.

The summary of hadith #309 is that an angel writes a person’s fate while he/she is in the mother’s womb, whether it will be a male or female, good or bad.  Money, age, death, etc. are also predestined.  Dear Reader, no wonder that thinking minds ask why then it was necessary to reveal Allah’s Guidance!

Now begins the Book of Salat (in Bukhari):

Hadith #339 states that in Makkah the roof of the Prophet’s house ripped itself apart and in descended the angel Gabriel.  “My breast was then opened up and washed with the water of Zam Zam.  Then a platter of gold filled with faith and wisdom was poured into my chest, which was then closed.  Then the angel held my hand and took me straight to the heavens.”  Please note here that Meraj, or “ascension,” is being described and there is no mention of Jerusalem.  What about the Centaur, “Al-Burraq”!  And if faith and wisdom were surgically poured into the chest of the Holy Prophet doesn’t he cease to be a model for humanity?  Other hadith state the Holy Prophet was sleeping at Umm Hani’s house during this event, a covert slander. 

In the same book, in hadith #339, you find the story of Moses advising the Prophet time and again that he return to God to reduce the number of daily prayers (from 50 to 5).  It appears that some Judaic mind is trying to prove the superiority of Moses to Mohammad.  It is also to be remembered that Allah is Omnipresent.  He is not confined to the heavens.  So, someone going to meet with Him there is a non-Qur'anic concept.  Surah Asra 17:60 makes it clear that it was a dream of the Prophet which became a test for people. 

People told Aisha (the mother of believers) that Salat becomes null and void if a dog, a donkey, or a woman comes in front.  Syedah Aisha said, “You made us dogs(#484).

The Messenger of Allah addressed his wife Safia as “O’ you bald-headed perished one!” (Bukhari, Kitabut Talaq p.143).

Dear Reader, many of the passages in this book are disturbing.  We have copied them with a heavy heart.  This work has been undertaken so that our younger generation does not think of these insults as a part of Islam.  It is important that these anomalies be seen as the defamations they are.

Umro bin Maimoon reported,I saw a monkey surrounded by a swarm of other monkeys.  He had committed adultery with a female monkey.  So, all monkeys stoned him to death.  I cast stones, too.”  A variation of this hadith reports, “The female monkey had been lying down with a middle-aged male when a young male came and gestured with his eye. The female slowly pulled her hand away from under the head of the middle-aged monkey and tiptoed away from him.  Then she committed adultery with the young monkey.  The older monkey got wind of what had happened so he yelled and gathered around him all monkeys in the vicinity.  They stoned both (the adulterers) to death!” (Bukhari 2:261).  Dear Reader, does this insult need a comment except that our Mulla brings it up to support stoning, which is not ordained in the Qur’an.

Do you ever see an animal born with deformed organs?  (Bukhari 1:525).  Animals are born with deformities.  Someone in this narration is trying to attribute his ignorance to the most knowledgeable man of all time.

Abdullah Ibne Umar was reciting the Qur'an.  When he reached verse 2:223, he asked Naafe whether he knew the application of this verse.  Then he went on to explain as:  “Your women are your tilths therefore go to your tilths, as you please.  If you wish, go into her…(Bukhari 2:729).  It is astounding that even the original Arabic text leaves a blank space here! 

When a woman refuses to come to her husband’s bed, angels curse her until she returns (Bukhari, Book of Nikah p.96). 

Read hadith #228 and 229 and countless similar ahadith which dwell upon proving the eternal junbb state of the Holy Prophet.  Junbb signifies the state of uncleanliness after sexual intercourse.  The reader need only refer to the Book of Bath in Bukhari Volume I.  The Holy Prophet was the busiest man on earth bringing about the greatest revolution of human history.   How could he have time for this extravaganza?!

Hadith #185 narrates that once the Holy Prophet asked for a bowl of water.  He washed his hands and face in it.  Then he rinsed his mouth in it and after that ordered Abu Musa and Bilal to drink from that used water!   Respected Reader, if you can make your children and non-Muslims drink this brand of Islam, more power to you!  

The Book of Bath #246: Abu Salma and the brother of Aisha went to Aisha to learn about the bath after sexual intercourse.  She procured a container of water and took a bath.  There was a veil between them and her.  Would even an ordinary woman stoop so low? If there was a veil how could that be a demonstration unless the veil was a see-through partition?  Wasn’t verbal instruction enough?  Only an imbecile mind would accept the authenticity of such “traditions”. 

In hadith #261 Syedah Mamoona is said to be not only watching the Holy Prophet unclothed but also carrying out a running commentary.  Hadith #273 states that Umm Hani, who was not even one of the household, saw the Prophet bathing. 

According to the narrator in #276, Abu Hurairah suddenly disappears from the scene.  Later, when the Prophet asks him the reason, he replies, “I was a junbbi.”  By now you know what a junbbi is. 

The Holy Prophet passed a group of women.  He said to them, “Ladies, give alms, because I have seen you burning in hell in great numbers.”  When the women asked the reason for it, he said: 

     “You women curse too much!”

     “You are ungrateful to your husbands.”

     “In spite of being deficient in intellect as well as in religion, you are capable of prevailing over a man of wisdom; you are a creation the like of which has never been seen.”

     “Is not the testimony of a woman one half that of a man? This is the measure of deficiency of your intellect!”

     “And mind you, when a woman has her periods she is not allowed to pray or to fast.  This is the measure of your deficiency in religion.” 

    Dear Reader, the Qur'an stresses gender equity.  The Creator designed the physique and physiology of men and women.  So the question of deficiency in intellect and religion does not arise.  “Traditions” of this nature were fabricated for enslavement of women. 

Hadith #305 too is a grave insult to aesthetics and common sense.  Narrating the method of achieving purity after menstruation, it is advised that the woman grab a cotton swab scented with musk, then touch the area tainted with blood (and Aisha demonstrates this method to a woman)!   

Kitabul Ilm Hadith #120 commits the most dangerous atrocity in Islamic theology:  Abu Huraira narrates, “I learned two bags of knowledge from Rasul Allah (SA). One bag I have made public, but if I open the other bag people will cut my throat.”   Dear Reader, Hazrat Abu Huraira could never utter such nonsense.   This Hadith was concocted by Abdullah Ibne Saba to open the door for antagonizing the Qur’an through “hidden meaning” of the text.  Doesn’t the Holy Qur’an testify that the Exalted Prophet conveyed the Divine message to the full extent?  Was Abu Huraira the only companion of the Holy Prophet? 

This chapter was only a glimpse from the voluminous Bukhari.  Can you believe that even today there are people on God's Earth according to whom denying a single narrative of Bukhari and Muslim ahadith instantly renders a Muslim into a kaafir (an infidel)? 

Sufis (Mystics)

“The Alien Plant in the Soil of Islam”

Now discover why Allama Iqbal calls Tasawwuf (Mysticism) “The Alien Plant in the Soil of Islam.”  Prepare your mind for an awesome flight.  See hundreds of mystics insulting human intelligence in the name of Islam.  Watch them making mockery of God, His messengers, His Guidance and the Laws of Nature.  They go as far as their imaginations can take them.  Watch them play God, produce miracles, bash reason and kill common sense.  Their true miracle, however, is that millions of Muslims still consider them as champions of Islam.  Read, enjoy---have a good flight.

The following paragraph summarizes the opinion of two of the greatest thinkers of India, namely Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Allama Shibli Naumani:

It is often claimed that the Sufia brought Islam to the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. A careful review of history gives us a different picture.  Muslims ruled the Subcontinent for eight centuries, and today 80% of the population remains Hindu.  The Muslims adopted and absorbed so much of Hindu mythology, customs, and traits that according to Mufti Muhammad Abduhu they became half-Hindus and half-Muslims.  This happened because the philosophy of “The Unity of Being” was exactly the same among the Muslim Sufis and the Hindu yogis.  The only difference was that of nomenclature.  The Hindu “Hama oost” was and is 100% interchangeable with “Wahdat al-Wajood” of the Sufi.  Essentially, both mean that everything in the Universe is God.  It is noteworthy that a time honored book, Safina-til-Baharij, quotes a saying of the Exalted Prophet, on vol.2 pg.52: "Some people in my Ummah will be called Sufia, they will be worse than kafirs and will be thrown in the hellfire."  Let us examine some quotations from the books of the Sufia:

I am superior to the prophets (Mohiuddin Ibn-Arabi, Hadeeqa Sultania p.190).

I have denounced Islam.  I believe this is incumbent on people.  If Allah is God in the heavens, I am God on earth (statement of Hussain bin Mansoor Hallaj, Khateeb Baghdadi vol.8, Ibne Athir 11:140).

Men of knowledge see Shias as swines (Mohiuddin Ibn-Arabi, Futuhat Makkia 2:8).

Sheikh Imam Abul Hassan Noori was in the company of his disciples.  The call to prayers came.  The Sheikh said, “It is death.”  Then a dog barked.  The Sheikh

replied, "Labbaik", meaning "Oh yes, my master" (Ibn-e-Jozi Talbees-e-Iblis p.383).

My body has merged with the body of Rasulullah.  Therefore, we are one (Shah Waliullah, Anfasul Arifain). 

I recite Sura Fatiha and walk across the river (Mulfoozat Moinuddin Chishti Ajmairi). 

In the assemblies of "URS" (communion of Sufi souls with God), spirits of the dead Sufis come to dance around  (Mulla Abul Kalam Azad, Iman-e-Khalis p.63).

Allama Shibli Naumani, Mohammad Hussain Azad, Deputy Nazir Ahmed and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan noted a strange exchange of religious dogma in the Subcontinent. Centuries ago, the Brahmans (priest class) of India were alarmed as Hindu masses, impressed by the message of true monotheism and human equality, were finding Islam irresistible.  To safeguard Hinduism, the Brahmans started the “Bhagti” movement in the 11th century, which preached that Raam and Raheem were one.   Hindu yogis befriended Muslim Sufia.  They learned tricks from each other and called them “Karamat” and “Chamatkar”.  Their followers portrayed them as superhumans.  Sheikh Saadi Shirazi has correctly pointed out, “Saints do not fly, their disciples make it so.” 

The end result was wholesale amalgamation of Islam and Hinduism, giving birth to a new religion that has been termed as the Ittihadi Deen (Unified Faith).  In the process, Hindus who embraced Islam, and Muslims who were exposed to the currents of Vedant (Hindu mysticism), all remained half-Hindus and half-Muslims.  If some Hindus embraced Islam, many Muslims embraced Hinduism. Many Muslims found in the subcontinent are in fact followers of the Unified Faith.  It is no wonder that Hindus are very respectful of the “Muslim” Sufis.

Here is a glimpse of the Unified Faith:  Hindus worship idols, Muslims worship graves.  We have Urs instead of Yatra, Tawaf of graves instead of PhairayAgarbatti in place of MomebattiTabarruk versus Parshad, Qawwali versus Bhajan, Araq-e-Gulab versus Gangajal, Kharqa versus Zunnar, etc.   

Hazrat Dawood Jawarbi had seen Allah.  When asked about Allah, he said, “Ask me not about His genitals and His beard.  Ask about anything else (Al-Millil wal-Nahil, Imam Shehristani 1:96).  Imam Shehristani should have reported the Hazrat Jawarbi to the government.   Even better, the authorities should have painted Imam Shehristani a clown for conveying such rubbish.  

Allah is sitting in the heavens.  I am the God on earth (Mansoor Hallaj, Ibn-e-Athir 2:140). 

The priest in the church is our Allah  (Ibn-Arabi, Qasasul Ulema p.53). 

There is no one else worthy of worship.  Come and worship me (Mulla Jalaluddin Rumi, Mathnawi 4:52). 

Time for a laugh:  This morning Allah wrestled with me.  He floored me because I am 2 years younger than He is  (Abul Hassan Kharqani, Fawaid Faridiya p.78). 

Alas! The Muslim fails to understand that Allah can be found only in idol worship (Sufi Mahmood Shabistri, Sharah Gulshan-e-Raz p.294).  

Hanafis are people who are pacing toward hellfire.  The death anniversary of Imam Hussain must be celebrated like the Festival of Eid   (Abdul Qadir Jeelani, Ghania al-Talibain p.190). 

My foot is on the neck of every saint, so I placed my foot on Hazrat Ali's neck  (Abdul Qadir Jeelani, Asrar ul Qadam p.191).

I hate the God who does not appear as a dog or cat  (Ibn-Arabi, Khazeena Imaniya p.168).

Whenever Khwaja Maudood Chishti wanted to see the Ka’aba, angels airlifted it to the land of Chisht (Malfoozat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bukhtiar Kaki, Fariduddin Ganj Shakar).  This Khwaja Maudood Chishti is reported to be the ancestor of the famous Mulla Maudoodi.

One thousand years have gone and so has the time of Muhammad.  Now it is my time, the time of Ahmad.  The second millennium is mine   (Ahmad Sarhindi, so-called “Mujaddid Alf-Sani” [Revivalist of the second millennium], Mubda-o-Muad).

Books of the Tableeghi Nisab “Fazael Aamal” were presented to the Holy Prophet (in the twentieth century!) and he accepted them (Behjatul Quloob p.12).

 Khwaja Qutbuddin Maudood Chishti’s dead body flew in the air on its way to the graveyard.   Khwaja Fareeduddin Ganj Shakar upon narrating this fell unconscious (Rahatil-Quloob, Ganj Shakar).  He should have expired.

Adam cried for 300 years.  (So much so that) birds made nests on his face.  His tears brought forth so much grass that it covered his (60 meters long) body (Rahatul Muhibbeen, Ameer Khusro, Khwaja Nizamuddin Awlia).

A bird came and told us, "Tomorrow is Eid.  Unlike humans we are free from lies.”  Sheikh Faqirullah knew a crow that often learned monotheism from him (reference same).

If Awlia (saints) wish, they can accept invitations from 10,000 towns (and be there) at the same time (Ahmed Raza Barelwi, Malfoozat part I p.127).

When Shah Waliullah was in his mother’s womb, she said a prayer.  Two tiny hands appeared for prayer.  She was frightened.   Her husband said, "You have Qutubul Aqtab (Saint of Saints) in your womb (Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Hikayat-e-Awlia p.17).  What a breakthrough!

The Prophet laid the foundation of Darul Uloom, Deoband, India (in the 19th century!). He comes to check the accounts of the school.  He has learnt Urdu from the Ulema of Deoband  (Mubasshirat-e-Darul Uloom, and Deoband Number of the Darul Uloom).  Was this tale made up to lend credence to the Deoband Mulla factory?  You decide.

Allah revealed Himself to me as an extremely beautiful woman, decorated with fine ornaments and garments.  She suddenly embraced me and merged into my body  (Shah Waliullah, Anfasul Arifain pp.94-95).

One night I started flying from heaven to heaven until I reached the Prophet.  He accepted my allegiance (reference same, pp.38-39).

The sun cannot rise before greeting me.  The new year, the new month, the new day, dawn not without greeting me and informing me of every single event (Malfoozat Ahmed Raza Barelwi about Ghaus Azam Jeelani).

A wolf was brought before prophet Jacob.  He said to the wolf, “Tell me about my son, Joseph.”   The wolf said, “I am an animal, but I do no backbiting(reference same).

Prophet Job prayed, “O’ God! Give me 12,000 tongues so that I may recite your name.”  God accepted his prayer and infested his body with 12,000 insects (reference same).

The mosquito that killed Nimrod was lame (Malfoozat Chishti).   A rather lame statement.

Hazrat Uthman brought home a fish.  All the firewood burnt off, but the fish remained fresh (uncooked). When the Prophet asked it the reason, the fish said, “I had sent my salutations to you once” (reference same).

Shah Waliullah believed in the Unity of Existence.  He believed that insects, animals, idols and human beings were all God (Syed Farooq Al-Qadri, Anfasul Arifain).

Allah has only 99 virtuous names.  I have more than 99, in fact 4000 (Shah Waliullah for his uncle, Anfasul Arifain p.210).

Some people told Shah Abdur Raheem (Shah Waliullah’s father) that they were trying to find God.  My father said, “I am He!” They stood up and shook hands (reference same, p.93).   Why didn’t they prostrate?!

God came to me in a cloak in the guise of an extremely beautiful woman.  I became passionate and said, “Cast aside your cloak.”  The response came, “The cloak is very thin.  It reveals my beauty.”  I insisted, upon which the cloak was lifted (quote of father and son: Shah Abdur Raheem & Shah Waliullah, Anfasul Arifain p.94). 

Ahmad Bin Hanbal got his undeserved fame when his ego caused him to suffer lashes for a vain argument from the Abbasi Caliph (Al-Tawassul Wal Waseela p.136).

The great Pir (master saint) of the 19th century, Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi, has been quoted in his Malfoozat p.32 that "Prophets are alive in their graves like ever before.  They eat, drink, pray and receive their wives in the grave and engage in sex with them."

Now watch God’s retirement plan:  Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani claimed:  Allah has made me eternal and has joined me with Him.  He has given in my hand this world and the Hereafter and all Creation (Jeelani, Malfoozat Fuyuz Yazdani, Fath-e-Rabb-ani, Majlis 51).  Dear Reader, it is noteworthy here, that the governor of Baghdad, Ubaidullah Yunus, leveled the home of Jeelani, threw out his sons, exhumed his grave, burnt his remains, and plunged them in the river Tigris!    (Nooruddin Shams, a disciple of the Pir Jeelani, Najoom-uz-Zahrani 6:142).  Even then, millions of Muslims continue to call Jeelani Dastgeer (holder of hands).

Prophet David and Prophet Mohammad both sinned because they saw the beauty of unclothed women.   Then Uria’s wife and Zaid’s wife became haram (forbidden) for their husbands (Ali Hajweri, alias “Daata Ganj Baksh,” Kalamil Marghoob p.349).

Junaid Baghdadi said that Prophet Solomon was the illegitimate son of David from Uria’s wife.  Sheik Seerin wrote that Surah Ahzab of the Qur'an means to say that Muhammad the Exalted was hiding the carnal love of Zainab (the wife of Zaid), in his heart (Malfoozal Al-Aasl p.219).

A wife of the Holy Prophet saw a male sparrow mounting the female sparrow.  She challenged the Prophet.  When the night set in, the Prophet mounted her in a most furious manner 90 times and said, “See! There is no deficiency here” (Shamsuddin Akhlaqi, Manaqib-il-Arifain pp.70-71).  We wonder whether these are sacred writings or pornography!

These dogs and swines are our God (Fusoosul Hukm, Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi).

Ba-Yazeed Bistami, supposedly the head of all saints, is quoted in his Malfoozat (book of quotes):

     I am Glorious, the Ultimate, the Pure.   My glory is beyond description.

     My kingdom is greater than the Kingdom of God.

     Allah is in my pocket.

     My flag flies higher than the flag of Mohammad.

     I dove into the sea of true knowledge while the prophets watched by the shore.

Ali Hajweri, “Daata Ganj Bakhsh,” in his Kashfil Mahjoob, pp.255-256 supports Ba-Yazeed's claim that he was Allah in human form.

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri taught his disciples a different Kalema (creed) “There is no god but Allah and Chishti is His messenger” (Khwaja Fareed-ud-Din Ganj Shakar, Fawaed-us-Salikeen pp.126-127).

Dear Reader, if you recapture briefly in your mind what you have read so far, it is easy to see why it is important to get rid of these insults from our books or at least try to neutralize them.  Any preaching based on these absurdities leaves a strong negative impact on our society.  They promote human worship and other forms of shirk.  They encourage immodesty and degrade women. The Muslim gets further away from the Qur'an and is enslaved by superstition and ritual.  It is regrettable that non-Muslims think this trash represents Islam and then, of course, despise the religion.  In addition, many of our youth get disenchanted with this man-made Islam, and lose their faith.

Now what message is Sheikh Afeef-ud-Din Talmisani trying to convey when he says: The Qur'an is loaded with shirk (polytheism).  True monotheism is that everything in the universe is God (Malfoozat Talmisani p.205).

It was OK for the Pharaoh to say, “I am God”.  He, of course, was a part of the Essence of God (reference same).

Ibraheem Adham reached the Ka’aba in 14 years because he prayed two nawafil at every step.  But the Ka’aba was not found! "It has gone to visit Rabia Basri," came a voice from the heavens (Malfoozat Khwaja Uthman Harooni, Aneesul Arwah p.17).  Doesn’t it make us think why the Ka’aba could not go to meet the Holy Prophet in Hudaibiah?  According to Sheikh Afifuddin Talmisani’s Malfoozat page 177, Rabia Basri was in romance first with Hasan Basri and then with Ibrahim Adham.

In Cordova, I fell in love with Fatima.  In Makkah I fell in love with the beautiful Ain-ush-Shams. The spiritual windows opened upon me hence. (Sheikh Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi, Fusoosul Hukm)

Ba-Yazid Bistami could take the soul of any person whenever he wanted.  My uncle Abu Raza Mohammad, upon hearing this became angry and said, “Ba-Yazid could not return the soul (and restore life).  I can take a soul and return it, as I want.”  Then my uncle took the soul of Rahmatullah and brought him back to life (Shah Waliullah, Anfasul Afrifain p.95).

 Junaid Baghdadi was sitting when a dog crossed by.  He merely glanced at the dog.  The dog reached such glory that all dogs of the town followed him. Then he sat down and all dogs sat around him in meditation (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Imdadul Mushtaq).” 

    “There is no priesthood in Islam“ is a very common but erroneous statement.  There should be no priesthood in Islam, but in reality the Sufi and the Mulla have formed a very strong union.  They are always ready to attack any semblance of reason from all quarters and they are always vigilant to label any voice of reason as mutazilla (those who commit the blunder of thinking and reasoning). 

The Holy Messenger came to Shah Waliullah (in the 18 century!) and said “Why do you worry, my son? Your children are the same as mine” (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Hikayat-e-Awlia).

It is obligatory upon a Mu’min (believer) that he quits eating and drinking. He must get weak to the point where he becomes unable to pray (Sahl bin Abdullah Tastari, Malfoozat Arabi p.289).

Hazrat Sha’arani was the Sheikh of miracles.  He resided in a meadow.  He used to visit the town riding a wolf.  He walked on water.  His urine was drinkable like pure milk (Allama Tareshi’s excerpts, Misra Tasawwuf p.194).  Did Tareshi try it?

Jalaluddin Rumi never prayed.  When the time for prayers came he used to vanish.  At last it was detected that he went to pray in Ka’aba (2000 miles away from Qunia five times a day) (Khwaja Nizamuddin Awlia, Rahat-il-Quloob).

My uncle saw me create and destroy the universe (Shah Waliullah, Afasul Arifain p.210).

Once there was a Sheikh who used to grab a dog every day and put him on the prayer rug and said, “O dog, you are in the hands of God!”  Those dogs then started walking on water and healed people by giving them ta’aweez (amulets) (Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, Malfoozat).

Here is a funny one:  The dead body of a dervish was lying in a jungle laughing.  I asked him, “You are dead, how can you laugh?”   The dead body replied, “This is what happens in the love of Allah” (Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, Malfoozat).

The Universe lies within the Mount Caucasus.  This mountain is 40 times bigger than the earth.  A cow is holding it on its head (Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, Dalilul Arifain).  Isn’t it tragic that people of such miniscule minds are considered the saints of Islam! This mythology is obviously borrowed from Hinduism, which holds that the entire earth is perched on one horn of a cow and when it shifts the load to the other horn, earthquakes occur!

The people of Multan refused to provide fire to Shah Shams Tabrez for roasting meat.  He became enraged and brought the sun down (and roasted the meat).  People became restless with heat.  They came to the saint and asked his forgiveness and then he ordered the sun to go back.   Since that day the town became known for its hot summers (Ali Quli Baghdadi, Karamat Shah Tabrez p.233).

A great saint Hazrat Abdul Wahab went to visit the grave of Pir Syedi Ahmad Kabir.  Abdul Wahab saw a beautiful bondwoman.  Syedi Kabir called from his grave, “Hey, do you like her?” The owner of the bondwoman instantly dedicated her to the grave.  The dead Pir spoke again, "O’ Abdul Wahab! Take her to the room in front and satisfy your desire" (Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi, allegedly “the greatest master of Islamic law and reviver of the 19th century,” Malfoozat part 3 p.28).

The urine and milk of camels provides relief (Shah Waliullah, Hujjatullah-il-Baligha p.33).  Did Waliullah try it?

Ibraheem Adham was Governor of Balakh.  While hunting, a deer turned back and scolded him.  Since that day Adham quit his rule (and became a saint) (“Daata” Ganj Bakhsh, Kalamil Marghoob  p.229).

When the companions went with the Prophet for ghazwat (Jihad) some of their wives had relations with other men (Mulla Jalaluddin Rumi, Feeh-ma-Feeh, Saleem Chishti, Islami Tasawwuf p.66).  According to the narrator, the Holy Prophet used to advise them not to go home before dawn.

Women are the source of all tribulation in the world, religious or otherwise (Hajwairi, “Daata Ganj Bakhsh” in Malfoozat Barelwi).

There was a 140-year old worshipper.  He had a foot that was amputated.  When asked he said, “I was in eitekaf (seclusion for worship in a masjid).  I stepped one foot out.  An angel warned me and I immediately cut off my foot with a knife” (Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri in Malfoozat Uthman Harooni).

Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri writes in the same book that the moon and the sun eclipse because of the sins of people!  The Holy Prophet had explained that eclipses occur according to the Divine Laws.

A man stole shrouds from graves for 40 years, but he went to the highest degree in Paradise.   Why? Because he held on to the prayer rug (he was steadfast in prayers) (Malfoozat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri, by Khwaja Qutub Alam, Daleel Arifain).

Now, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri decides to display his prowess in the English language:   Where the Qur'an says “Fawelullil musalleen” it means there is a “well” for Musalleen…(reference same).

Watch for another wisdom from Chishti in the same book:  The hellfire is placed in the mouth of a snake deep in the seventh level of the earth, otherwise the whole Universe would burn.

Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki knew half the Qur'an by heart when he was born (Fawaid-as-Salikeen, Khwaja Fareed-ud-Din “Ganj Shakar”). What titanic forces prevented him from completing it?! 

Fareed-ud-Din “Ganj Shakar” (which means: the treasure of sugar) turned bushels of sugar into salt and again into sugar (The Beloved of God, “Mehboob-e-Elahi” Khwaja Nizam-ud-din Awlia, Rahatul Quloob). 

Now watch arrogance at its height:  The Prophet attended the funeral of Barakat Ahmed.  And I led the prayer, (i.e. the Prophet was his follower in prayer) (Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi, Malfoozat).  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan rightly pointed out that the supposed Islamic saints were frequently jealous of the Exalted Prophet.   

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti says, “What do you ask of the Mount Caucasus? This mountain is resting on the head of a cow.  The greatness and size of this cow equals 30,000 years of travel.  Her head is in the East and her tail is in the West.  She has been standing since eternity praising the Lord.”  Sheikh Uthman Harooni reports that after narrating this (insult to human intelligence), Sheikh Maudood Chishti and a companion sank into deep meditation.  Both disappeared leaving their gowns behind.  They had gone to take a stroll up the Mount Caucasus (Malfoozat Khwaja Chishti Ajmeri by Khwaja Bakhtiar Kaki, Daleelul Arifain pp.85-86).  They should have disappeared from the planet.  

By God!  I know 99 out of 100 thoughts that come in the heart of an ant living in the lowest stratum of the earth.  Allah knows all one hundred (Shah Waliullah, Anfasul Arifain p.205). 

“Maulana” Ashraf Ali Thanwi separated the way of Salat between men and women in his book “Bahishti Zever” (Muhammad Sultan, Masjid Tauheed, Karachi). 

Do not try to understand the Qur'an ever.  Else, you will go astray.  Fifteen “Uloom” (sciences) are required to understand the Book (“Maulana” Zakaria Kandhalwi, Fazael Aamal p.2).  The Qur’an claims that it is an easy book to understand (41:3). 

    While this book was being written, a thoughtful reader suggested that highlighting the dark side in our sacred books brings a bad name to saints.  However, it is of paramount importance to know what Islam is not.  These infractions dishonor the Holy Prophet and his companions, manipulate human rights and rob women of the high stature bestowed by God.  The author and the Shura committee have no intention of respecting those who dishonor Islam.



Imams: “Stalwarts” of Islam in Mutual Combat


It is often claimed and vehemently propagated by our clergy that the highly regarded jurists, commentators and historians of Islam were very respectful to one another and they had a very warm and cordial mutual relationship.  Let us examine the truth:

Imam Shafai is totally unreliable (Yahya Bin Moin in Jama Byanul Ilm).

Abu Hanifa had no trace of knowledge of Deen (Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Khateeb Baghdadi 13:396).

Abu Hanifa is no less than Iblees and Dajjal (Imam Malik, Khateeb Baghdadi 13:396).

The worst of all people in Islam is Abu Hanifa.  He is Dajjal! (Abdur Rahman Bin Mahdi, Imam Ozaai, Khateeb Baghdadi 13:498).

There were grave disputes between Imams Shafaai, Abu Hanifa, Malik, Hanbal and Sufiyan.  Whoever spoke much in vain was called a Faqih (Shah Waliullah, Hujjatullah Al Balegha p.254).

The so-called Imams were all nothing but children of bondwomen.  They destroyed Islam just as the children of bondwomen had destroyed Israelites (Safyan Thauri, Khateeb 13:394).

For references of the following five indictments of the Imams, please see Tareekh Khatib Baghdadi, volume 13 pp: 390, 394, 396, 498 and volume 14 p.257.

The mischief of Imam Abu Hanifa for the Ummah is no less than that of Dajjal.  According to Imam Abdur Rahman Mehdi, his Fitna is greater then that of Dajjal, the anti-Christ.

Safyan Thauri and Imam Auzaai said, "No one as reprehensible as Abu Hanifa has been born in Islam."

Imam Shafaai called Abu Hanifa “the worst of creation”.

Imam Abu Yousuf declared Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak a great sinner.  Abdullah replied, “Abu Yousuf is a greater sinner and a great liar.”

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said, "I agree with what you are telling me, but if Abu Hanifa favored it, then I reject it as nonsense."

Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal were "Munkireen" (deniers) of hadith. 

Abu Hanifa accepted only 17 ahadith (Khateeb 13:387). 

A person told a hadith on behalf of Imam Malik to Abu Hanifa that wudhu (ablution) is half of faith.  Imam Abu Hanifa responded (sarcastically), “You should perform two ablutions so that your faith can become whole (Khateeb Baghdadi 13:387). 

The following six statements are taken from the popular Gharaib fil Tahqiq-al-Mazahib wa Tafhimul Masail compiled by several scholars: 

Abu Hanifa declared that Imam Malik was a man without any sense. 

Imam Ja’afar Sadiq was an ugly blot on Islam according to Ahmad bin Hanbal. 

Imam Nafe said, “Imam Shafaai committed the most grievous crime, calling hadith as another form of revelation.  He equated Hadith with Wahi.  He was a sodomite and a catamite.”  A Mulla at large from Deoband these days begins his address by declaring Imam Shafaai as his hero. 

Imam Yahya bin Moin said that Iman Hanbal was a Sabai (a bitter Shia). 

The Sacred Tank of water, intercession, questioning angels, doom in the grave, returning of souls in the grave are truths beyond doubt, but Bukhari said, “If Hanbal says that, it is all nonsense.”  

Abu Hanifa says, “Be the curse of Allah on those who call themselves Imams…” 

Jalaluddin Rumi narrated in his Mathnavi, “These four (Abu Hanifa, Malik, Hanbal, and Shafaai) have carved four religions out of one Islam.  They have created irreconcilable divisions in Islam.” 

Dear Reader, do you see what the “great” scholars and imams thought of each other?   Where is their mutual harmony?  We believe it was necessary to point this out.  It is important to break the ‘Idol of Indisputable Scholarship’ that exists today among the Ummah in order to free our minds from blind reverence.  It will be difficult, if not impossible to find a single book of the Imams without lofty prefaces or introductions by the publishers and presenters.  These are filled with fabricated accounts of the Imams’ miraculous memories, marathon ibadat sessions, and angelic character.  The idea is to portray the Imams as superhumans and to render them indisputable. 

    Let us not be dazzled by this extravaganza and examine their “greatness” with a critical mind in the light of the Qur’an. 



The Mulla-in-Chief of The 20th Century: Maudoodi 

Before presenting some glimpses of the famous Mulla Maudoodi’s wisdom, let us tell you his full name and title---Maulana Syed Abul Aala Maudoodi.  The name translates as:  “Our master, owner, the father of the most glorious, Maudoodi”.  It is strange that the man claiming to be a great Islamic scholar lived 76 odd years with this name.  Does it need much insight to see that the very name is depicting outright shirk?!  According to the Qur'an, "Maulana" (9:51), "our Master", al-Aala, the Most Glorious is no one but Allah.

Now let us present some examples of the brilliance of Maudoodi Saheb taken from Tafhimul Qur'an (Urdu) from Idara Tarjamanul Qur’an, Lahore, Nov. 1982. 

The summary and conclusion of his discussion on Vol.1 p.340 goes like this:  Even today women captured in war should be distributed among soldiers and the soldiers should use them. 

The Qur’an in verse 47:4 states that:  The captives of war must be freed either for ransom or as a way of kindness.  There is no third option.  When an eminent scholar differed with him and showed how the Qur'an has closed the door of slavery forever, Maudoodi responded, “The mistake of this gentleman is that he relies on the Qur'an to form his opinion” (Tafhimat 2:292). 

Maudoodi further alleges (Tafhimul Qur'an 1:340 onwards, and 5:14 onwards): 

     That a slave owner can sell his slave whenever and to whomever he wishes.

     A bondwoman given to any man by the government is as legal and binding a process as Nikah (marriage). 

     A captive of war will remain a slave even if he or she embraces Islam.

     If a slave tries to escape or create mischief, the master will have the right to kill him/her.

     While there may be a limit to the number of wives, Shari’a places no limit to the number of concubines a man can possess.  He can have sexual relations with them freely.  

Dear Reader, whenever you encounter statements like “Islam says this” or “Shari’a states that,” beware that it is likely Mulla opinion rather than the Word of God.

In Tafhimul Qur'an 5:14, Maudoodi relates that Sohail bin Umar was captured at the Ghazwa of Badr.  Some companions wanted to break his teeth, for he was a fiery orator against Islam.  The Prophet admonished, “No! If I break his teeth, Allah will break my teeth.”  Sohail was left alone, but after one year, at the Battle of Uhud, the Holy Prophet’s teeth were reportedly broken.  In the Qur’an, Allah promises to protect the Prophet (SA) from people.  What callous or sinister point is Maudoodi trying to make?! Did the Holy Prophet really lose his teeth in the Battle of Uhud?  He lived nine more years after that battle.  I have not come across a single narrative suggesting any missing teeth on the holy person of the Prophet.      

It is permissible to marry prepubescent girls.  It is also permissible for the husband to have intimate relations with them (Mulla Maudoodi, Tafhimul Qur’an 5:571). 

If someone dies of hunger he dies because Allah had written for him to die of hunger (Tarjamanul Qur'an, Jan. 1966).  Should the government be so easily absolved of its fundamental duty?  The Holy Prophet has said in a well-known hadith, “If a single person sleeps hungry in a community, Allah removes His protection from that people.”  Also, Hazrat Umar said, “If a dog were to die of hunger by the Euphrates, I am afraid Umar will be held responsible.” 

Maudoodi shows a brilliant way to establish a solid Islamic state:

Send notice to the population that they must announce within one year whether they should be considered Muslims or non-Muslims.  After that one year, all children born to Muslims will be considered Muslims.  All those who choose to register as Muslims will be forced to observe the worships and rituals of Islam.  Then whoever steps out of this circle of Islam will be beheaded (Murtad ki Saza, August 1953, p.76).   Please note that Maudoodi was a heretic in the eyes of many maulvis.  If this brilliant concept of Maudoodi is implemented, all the Muslim population of that solid Islamic state will walk around with no head on their shoulders.  

The Prophet came to lead prayers.  People lined up.  He then started to leave, realizing that he was “junbb” (meaning that he had not done the post-coital wash).  He left the standing line and went to take a bath. 

Then he came back with water trickling (Tafhimul Qur'an, 6:87).   Maudoodi presents this on the authority of Bukhari, which also states that forgetting during Salat is inspired by Satan. 

Maudoodi and other “experts” seem anxious to prove that the Holy Prophet was a forgetful person and that He and his companions walked around junbb.  Were the Holy Prophet and his companions living in glass houses and had they no sense of privacy? Were they so obsessed with sex?  Or is it our Mullas who are so obsessed?! There are ample traditions filled with references to sex, lust, bath, menstruation, divorce, nursing, concubines, hoors, etc. with shameless detail.   The grand vision and the high ideology remain elusive to these small minds.  The Holy Prophet and his companions were busy creating the noblest revolution in human history.

Hazrat Uthman burnt six copies of the Qur'an, which were all different tongues.  Allah and Rasul had not ordered him to do this (Syed Maudoodi, Tarjumanul Qur'an 1975 p.39).  Did Maudoodi witness this? 

The belief of life in the grave is dangerous and that of no life is also dangerous (Maudoodi, Tarjamanul Qur'an, Dec. 1959).   The know-all Mulla should have checked with the Qur'an to find the answer:  dead means dead.   It is the human nafs, or self, which lives on, not the material body and according to the Qur’an, the dead do not return to this world (23:100, 32:12).

In an Islamic country, non-Muslims will have full rights to spread their belief, but we will not allow any Muslim to change his or her religion (reference same, p.269).  According to the Qur’an, there is no compulsion in religion (2:256). 

Children of non-Muslims will go to Paradise and will be made slaves of the dwellers therein (reference same, p.134). 

The daughters of non-Muslims who died young will be made hoors of Paradise (Asia, June 14, 1969).   And how will they be treated?  According to Maudoodi, the men in Paradise will have their wives indoors.  These little 'hooris' will be ever ready in their tents outdoors with open arms to complement their pleasure.

Truth is one of the most important principles of Islam and lying is one of the greatest sins.  But in real life some needs are such that telling a lie is not only allowed, in some circumstance it is decreed to be mandatory (Tarjamanul Qur'an, May 1958 p.54). 

Temporary marriage (muta’a) is permissible under certain circumstances (Tarjamanul Qur'an, August 1955).  Maudoodi puts forward an example:  if a man and woman get stranded on an island, as soon as they procure food, they should go ahead and marry with no witnesses required and regardless of their marital status. 

In response to a question concerning praying at gravesites to the dead, Maudoodi maintains, “It is possible that you may be calling, but they may not be listening.  It is also possible that they may be able to listen, but their spirit may not be there and you may be calling nobody.  Also, it may be that that their soul may be there praying to their Lord and you may tease them in your selfishness” (reference same, p.261).   It is possible that Maudoodi is confused.   It is also possible that he has no idea what he is talking about.

Imam Abu Hanifa’s fiqh has converted Islam into a frozen (Hindu) shastra (Tarjamanul Qur’an 1:136). 

In reply to a question regarding Sir Allama Iqbal’s critical view of questionable traditions, Maudoodi sarcastically states, “In the presence of all the scholars, there is no need to know (Iqbal’s) views” (reference same, p.170). 

    The more ancient the Mulla, the more authoritative he becomes.  The Qur’an warns against blind following of ancestors and equates it with infidelity (5:104). 

The Mulla-in-Chief of the 20th century blindly follows the oldies (Hanafi jurists):   If a man utters “divorce” three times even before marriage, the woman he weds will be instantly divorced (reference same, p.188). 

Dear Reader, these were just a few glimpses of the brilliance of Maudoodi.  Only space limits us from presenting a few more gems.  Let us finish with one more:

As pointed out elsewhere in this book, all our Mullas seem to have been molded in the same factory.  They all indulge in the material, fleshly, and carnal aspects of human existence.  Their mind refuses to rise to the higher strata of intellect and spirituality.  As an example, there is a rule in Islamic jurisprudence that children become related to one another by nursing from a common woman.  The woman becomes the mother and these children become brother and sister to each other.  To an aesthetically sound mind the principle is quite clear.   It sanctifies a lady for nursing a child even though not her offspring.  But our jurists and Mullas get entangled in petty conflicts.  On vol.1 p.338, Mulla Maudoodi writes that even if an old man nurses on a woman at three or five different occasions he will enter into the bond of suckling!  But the foolishness does not end here.  Maudoodi says that the amount of milk actually swallowed is of terrible importance.  How much milk?   Maudoodi frantically seeks help from Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik and comes up with a solution.  Well, the amount is what will be enough to break the fast of a fasting person.   However, the three Mullas fail to elaborate how much milk will be sufficient to break a fast.  Furthermore, they completely fail to explain why an old man would need to suckle on a nursing woman! 

    Dear Reader, our Imams and Mullas are in the habit of answering questions that were never asked!   In fact, they invent hypothetical situations.    



More Mullas

It is amazing that all Mullas, regardless of time and place, and whether they are PhD’s or illiterate, seem to have the same frozen frame of mind.  This chapter will verify this statement.  The order of the day in the Mulla world is that reflecting on the Qur’an is forbidden.  If you conclude what our ancestors have, your reflection will be redundant.  If your results are otherwise, they will be curseworthy (Mufti Kifayatullah). 

Around the year 140 Al-Hijra, the tomb of the Holy Prophet needed repairs.  Builders asked Imam Ja’afar Sadiq whether it was okay to climb the roof.  The Imam responded, "Maybe you will find him engaged in sex with one of his wives"  (Usool-e-Kafi, Imam Kaleeni, Kitabil Hujjat 1:452).

In the times of Khalifa Haroon Rashid, Imam Abu Yousuf became the Chief Justice.  That is how Hanafi Mazhab became popular (Shah Waliullah, Hujjat p.242).

 A disciple of Junaid Baghdadi walked across the Tigris river reciting, “Ya Junaid, Ya Junaid.”  When he said, “Ya Allah, Ya Allah,” he almost drowned (Malfoozat Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi 1:117).

 “La Ilaha Ill Allah is the Kalema of the jahileen” (Imam Ghazali, Mishkatul Anwar p.25).

 Hazrat Ali should have been the first Khalifa.  Hazrat Usman played with the Qur’an as he liked.  Amir Mu’awia used to drink alcohol  (Musnad-e-Ahmed bin Hanbal and Manaqib Ahmed bin Hanbal p.168).

The dead body becomes alive in the grave instantly (reference same).  A non-Qur’anic statement by Hanbal.

Imam Ja’afar Sadiq said, “One who does not recognize us is a kaafir” (Kitabash Shafi, 1:215).


The earth is resting on the horns of a great bull.  When he shakes his head he brings earthquakes (Ibne Kathir 2:29, 50:1).  Then Ibne Kathir changes his mind:  The earth is resting on a fish.  The fish is resting on water, water on (the mountain of) Safa in Makkah, Safa on an angel, the angel on a rock, the rock on air.  When the fish moves it causes earthquakes (Imam Ibne Kathir, Tafseer part I p.76).   Newton could have learned something from our enlightened Mullas. 

If the wife is not beautiful the husband's body becomes weak  (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe-Nabawi, “Medicine of the Prophet” p.479).

Nehjul Balagha is a book believed by millions to be the most authentic on Earth after the Qur'an.  This book is supposedly a collection of the speeches by Hazrat Ali.  Unfortunately, the Mulla who wrote it, centuries after Hazrat Ali, ascribes such offenses to him:

     Woman is a scorpion that may please the heart but never refrains from stinging.

     Woman is all evil.  The greater evil is that there is no subsistence without her.

     Women are deficient of intellect.  Beware of even the good women.

A person suspected of causing the evil eye must be imprisoned until death (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe-Nabawi p.320).

In the night of Meraj (Ascension), Imam Ghazali rebuked Prophet Moses.  Prophet Mohammad said, “Respect him O' Ghazali!” (Malfoozat Haji Imdadullah Mahajir Makki, Imdadul Mushtaq by Ashraf Ali Thanwi).  Please note that Ghazali was born centuries after the Holy Prophet.

Take the front leg of a goat after Friday prayers.  Be completely unclothed.  Write Sura Yasin and the name of the person you desire.  Then place the meat in a cooking pot.  That person will surely fall in love with you (Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi, known as “The Wise of the Nation”, Monthly "Khalid", Deoband Darul Uloom).

If you wish to kill your enemy, write A to T on a piece of bread.  Recite Surah Ra'ad.   Break the bread into five pieces and feed them to five dogs.  Tell these dogs, “Eat the flesh of my enemy.”  By the Will of Allah your enemy will have huge boils on his body (reference same).  It is tragic that millions of innocents and illiterates in the Subcontinent consider these Mullas and Sufis as authorities and follow their advice!

Say "Fazabooha" (slaughtered) before you cut a melon, (or anything else for that matter) and you will find it sweet (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Aamal-e-Qur'ani).

Recite the verse, "When the heaven will split.”  Write it (on a piece of paper) and tie it to the left thigh of any woman in labor and childbirth will be easy.  Cut the hair of that woman and burn them between her thighs and childbirth will be easier still (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Aamal-e-Qur'ani).  Unfortunately, our Mullas and Sufis use the most rational and pragmatic book, Al-Qur'an, for gimmickry, magic, and soothsaying.

One of the greatest names of the Islamic world issued a fatwa in 1970 that whosoever believed that:  1) the Earth moves around the Sun and 2) that Man has stepped onto the surface of the Moon would be considered an ardent kaafir.  Furthermore, anyone doubting his infidelity would be a greater kaafir and his wife would be automatically divorced, it would be haram to marry into his family, drink water in his house, pray behind him, or to attend his funeral prayer.  This fatwa (edict) was sponsored and publicized by the respective government.  Amusingly, this is a prototype of the kind of fatawa dispensed by our Mullas. 

During labor pains let the woman hold the hadith book, Mawatta Imam Malik for instant delivery (Thanwi, Aamal-e-Qurani).

Now more enlightenment from the “Hakeemul Ummat” Thanwi:  Keep reciting “Al Mughni” during sex and the woman will love you (reference same).  Thanwi’s wife spent half her married life in her parents’ home.

When “Maulana” Zakaria, the father of “Maulana” Yousuf Bannuri would fall sick, the Prophet would visit him.  He told the house servant, "Badshah Khan! I (the Holy Prophet) am also serving Zakaria (Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Bayyanat 1975 p.7).

The Prophet said to the sister-in-law of Haji Imdadullah Mahajir Makki, “Get up! I will cook meals for the guests of Imdadullah” (reference same, p. 8).

  “Maulana” Yousuf Ludhianwi taught a simple method to make interest (usury) halalBorrow from a non-Muslim (Masaail-e-Jadeedah).

Imam Abu Suleman Jozjani told Mohammad bin Saad,  “I was in the company of Imam Malik.  Imam Malik was asked, ‘Can a man have rectal intercourse with his wives.’  Malik struck his head with his hand and replied ‘O’ dummies! I am coming directly from bath after doing that.  Don’t you read in the Qur'an that your wives are your tilths, go into them as you please!’” (Amdatil Qari, Tafsir Bukhari).  The Qur’an here means that when socializing with women (not wives) it should be kept in mind that they are the custodians of future generations.

The wife of Mulla Jalaluddin Rumi thought that he lost his sexual desire.  The Mulla came to know of her suspicion in a trance of revelation (kashf).  That night he went to his wife and did it 70 times, (the language has been made milder) so much so that she asked his forgiveness (Shamsuddin Akhlaqi, Manaqib-il-Arifain p.70).

Now see what garbage Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi is trying to unload.  The same Thanwi whom other Mullas call “Hakeemul Ummat” (The Wise of the Nation)!  He writes on in Imdadul Mushtaq p.110:  There was a true monotheist.  People told him if delicious food is part of the person of Allah and feces too is a part of Him, then eat both.  The Sheikh first became a pig and ate feces.  Then he became a human being and ate food!

Here is another pearl of wisdom from him:  There was a Pir Sadiq from Ashraf Ali Thanwi’s town.  He taught his disciples “There is no God but Allah and Sadiq is His messenger.”  Thanwi approved of that teaching (Hazrat Masood Usmani, Iman-e-Khalis p.109).

When Shah Abdul Aziz, the grandson of Shah Waliullah, recited the Qur’an in Ramadan, Hazrat Abu Huraira came looking for the Holy Prophet (Fatawa Azizi p.255).

On the day the Holy Prophet died, Sa’ad bin Mua’az grabbed the beard of Umar Farooq.  Umar said, “Let go my beard!  If one hair gets plucked out not one tooth will stay in your mouth”   (Imam Ibne Jareer Tabari, The Mother of all Histories, Tareekh-il-Umam wal Mulook).  According to the Qur’an, the relationship between Sahaba was of mutual respect and affection (3:103).

Bring these items to my grave twice a week:  The ice of milk, chicken biryani, chicken pulao even if it is from goat (read again, chicken from goat), shami kabab, parathay (fried homemade bread), milk cream, custard, meat patties, special lentils, ginger, apple water, pomegranate water, a soda bottle, ice of milk from buffalo, homemade (Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi, Wasaya Sharif p.8).  Some descendant or disciple might be feeding the dead Pir Sahib in his grave to this day, who knows?!

Physicians who believe that having sex with married women is good for health are wrong.  There is a great advantage in having sex with virgin girls (Tibb-e-Nabawi p.320 with reference to Zadil Ma’ad).  Here the “great” Imam Al-Muhaddith Ibnil Qayyam is trying to coax men in to becoming predators of young girls.

Evil spirits cause epilepsy.  The treatment you ask? Well, the healer need only say, “Get out!” (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe Nabawi p.145).

For adulterers the Qur'an ordains lashes and Hadith ordains stoning.  What should be done then is 100 lashes on one day then stoning on the following day as in Hazrat Ali’s time (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Al-Balagh-il-Maarif).

Here is an illustration of the stature of our clergy mind.  Syed Muhammad An-Noori of Syria wrote on April 2, 1999 that while Muslim blood was being shed in Kosovo, Ulema from twenty-one Muslim countries were busy in Makkah defining the following trivia:

     Is it lawful to sacrifice the buffalo

     Should the crow be considered haram or halal?

     Can there be a universally acceptable size of the beard for Muslims?

     Is wearing trousers in public haram or halal?

     If the amount of milk suckled by a baby could not be determined, will the baby be considered a mahram (treated as a member of the household)?

     Should one eye show through a woman’s veil, or both?

     Why did Imam Hussein not resort to isthakhara (dreaming for guidance) before journeying to Karbala?

     If one or two of the seven rocks thrown on Satan in Mina missed their target, would there be any ransom?

     What are the circumstances in the new era for shortening namaz (qasr)?

     If ejaculation does not occur, is a bath still obligatory?

     Is it OK to pray behind a beardless Imam?

     Is it necessary to seek permission from a wife for a second or third marriage?

    Dear Reader, this is where the energy of the so-called “think-tanks” of the Ummah is being spent.  The Holy Prophet has warned, “Nations before you met destruction because they quit the Book of Allah and fell for books of ahbar (priests) and ruhban (mystics).”



Two in One:  Ghazali

Imam Ghazali (11th century CE) is supposed to be one of the top Mullas and Sufis of the Islamic world.  The copy of his famous Ehyaul Uloom, being used here for reference purposes, was printed by Maktaba Rahmania Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, and translated by "Maulana" Mohammad Ehsan Nanotwi.  It is ironic that the very title of the book translates as "The Renaissance of All Knowledge."  As we proceed, it might occur to you that the proper title should have been, "The Demise of Common Sense."  Let us examine the heights of his flight.

Junaid Baghdadi used to say, “I need sex as much as I need food” (Ehyaul Uloom p.53).

Hazrat Umar Farooq used to break his fast (not by eating or drinking), but by having sexual intercourse.  During Ramadhan he used to have intercourse with three concubines before Salat-il-Isha (Ehyaul Uloom 2:52).

The best prescription for good health is to marry young women (Ehyaul Uloom 2:37). 

Men of knowledge sleep on their right side, kings sleep on their left, and Satan sleeps with his face down (reference same, p.39). 

Going for a bath without breakfast and then delaying breakfast will kill a person.  I will be surprised if he survives (Ghazali quoting Imam Shafaai, reference same, p.39).   There are no surprises in life for the mindless. 

Sahabi Maaz bin Jabl was dying of Plague.  He said, "Have me married, because I hate to meet Allah while I am single” (reference same, p.42).  Ah! The poor woman, marrying for instant widowhood! 

The best among my friends is the one who overeats and places big morsels in his mouth (Imam Ja’afar Sadiq quoted by Ghazali, reference same 2:12).  

The Prophet said that a piece of rug lying in a corner of the house is better than a woman who is infertile (reference same, p.48). 

A hadith says a dark woman who bares children is better than a beautiful woman who bares no children (reference same, p.49).  Did you notice dark used as a synonym for ugly?

Find a woman who is beautiful, well mannered, has big black eyes and black hair, and a white complexion (reference same, p.73).  This is probably Ghazali’s dream girl who he could never attract.

The Prophet said, "The best wives are those who are beautiful and their mehr (marital gift) is small" (reference same p.74).  In actuality, the Holy Prophet advised character as first and foremost in the selection of a spouse.

Do not marry a woman who is infertile (p.75).  Ghazali does not say how he would test a woman for infertility.   Didn’t Ghazali reflect that his sister or daughter could also suffer from infertility?  Dear Reader, our criminals of Islam can only conceive of the woman as a wife, a bearer of children, and an object of desire.  They forget that a mother, a sister and a daughter are also women.  If only one of Ghazali’s parents had been infertile…

In Ehyaul Uloom vol.2 p.52 Ghazali goes on to say, “When a man’s organ is in erection, two thirds of his mind and two thirds of his religion have departed from him.”  This is the wisdom of our “Hujjatul Islam” (meaning The Testimony of Islam, a nickname for Ghazali)!

After finishing your meal lick the cup or plate and drink its washings.  That becomes a marital gift for the hoors (p.13).  Are the heavenly beauties such a trivial bargain?

Imam Hasan used to divorce four women and marry four women at the same hour.  That is why the Prophet has said, “Hasan is from me” (p.55).  According to the Holy Prophet the most undesirable among permissible acts is divorce.

The messenger of Allah said, “No work is dearer to Allah than remaining hungry and thirsty.”  Salat, Saum, and service to humanity do not come close to ascetism (Imam Ghazali, Kimiya-e-Saadat p.483).

     For centuries, Islamic preisthood has promoted rahbaniyat (ascetism) as great piety.  The Holy Prophet admonished, “There is no ascetism in Islam” (several sources).  The Qur’an (28:77) commands not to forget our portion in this world.  You will note that non-Muslims are delighted with ascetics because their philosophy takes away the vitality of Islam.

Kimiya-e-Saadat (the “Alchemy of Grace”) is supposedly the masterpiece of "Hujjatul Islam" (Ghazali).  Mullas and Sufis have promoted this work for centuries as a fountain of knowledge.  The copy used here for reference purposes is from Madina Publishing Company, Karachi, Pakistan.  The translator is "Maulana" Mohammad Saeed Ahmed Naqshbandi.

A woman who has a bad lineage (i.e. she descends from a sinful person anywhere in her family tree) is always of foul character.  Therefore, it is one of the cardinal rules to abstain from marrying such a woman (Kimiya-e-Saadat  p.261).  Ghazali here not only violates a basic commandment of the Qur’an: “No soul shall bear the burden of another,” but also hits woman and acquits man.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq used to carry pebbles in his mouth so that he would not speak (Kimya-e-Sa’adat p.505).  Someone should have put pebbles in Ghazali’s pen!

A saint correctly said, “I am not scared of a lion, as I am scared of a boy under puberty because of lust” (Kimiya-e-Saadat p.497).

Prophet David fell because of his eye and committed sin with his neighbor’s wife (Kimiya-e-Saadat p.497).  The Qur'an confirms that all prophets had a spotless character.

 A wife should forever remain a bondwoman to her husband.  Do not let her go to the door, to the top of the house, or outside (p.265).

Here is a direct assault on the character of the Holy Prophet:  When the mother of believers, Saudah, became older, the Prophet thought of divorcing her.  She urged the messenger of Allah, “I will give my nights to the young Aisha.  Please do not divorce me.”  Upon hearing this, the Prophet began spending two nights with Aisha (Ghazali on the authority of Bukhari).   Ghazali plus Bukhari equals disaster.

 Dear Reader, please note that our Mulla insists on calling Ghazali, “The Testimony of Islam”!  Even an ordinary man would hesitate to inflict such cruelty upon his wife as Ghazali and Bukhari attribute to the Holy Prophet. 

On p.53 of Ehyaul Uloom, vol.2, Ghazali further insults the Holy Messenger thus:  He came out of his house.  On his way he saw a woman.  The messenger turned back at once, went inside his house and had sex with Zainab.  Then he came out and said, “Whenever a woman comes in front, she comes in the form of a Satan.”  How on earth did Ghazali or any one else come to know that the Prophet (SA) did such a thing?  Were the Prophet and his followers so fond of publicizing their personal relations?  Our historians try to portray the Holy Prophet spending half of his time on the prayer rug and the other half in bed.  This was a man who changed the course of history.  God forbid, was He (SA) so obsessed with sex like these Mullas?!

 There he goes again on p.56 of the same book:  Rasul complained to the angel Gabriel of his impotence.  Gabriel advised “Harissa” (a herb).  Ghazali and Ibnil Qayyam explain elsewhere that the herb was an important prescription since there was an army of women who could marry no one else and their desire had to be fulfilled. 

The Prophet said, “If a husband has all of his body, from head to toe, filled with pus and the wife licks him all over, even then she has not thanked him enough” (Ehyaul Uloom 2:103).   Could this be the teaching of the Qur'an and the Messenger, or is it the sickness of Ghazali?

Quoting Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ghazali writes that obtaining exquisite pleasure from sex is the fortress of religion (Ehyaul Uloom 2:73).   Hanbal plus Ghazali equals disaster!

The Holy Prophet told Zaid bin Harith, “You are my brother and my maula (master).”  Zaid started dancing in ecstasy (Kimya-e-Sa’adat p.419).  An apologetic defense has been written for Ghazali in this context:  “Maula” could also mean a slave.  But in that case there was no reason for Zaid to rejoice because he had been a slave before.  Malfoozat Makki states that Zaid rejoiced because he had given his wife Zainab to the Prophet! 

Ghazali advises that the health of a newborn baby will be better if the sexual encounter between the husband and the wife was vigorous (Ehyaul Uloom 2:76).

On p.81 of the same book Ghazali insults Hazrat Umar:  Umar said, “Ask women their choice in any matter and then act precisely in opposite terms. There is a blessing in doing the opposite of what women advise.” 

Hazrat Ali said, “Start your food with a breakfast of salt and Allah will remove seventy afflictions.  Eating sweets causes the testicles to dangle” (Ehyaul Uloom 2:36).  Strangely enough, it is hard to come across a Mulla who is not fond of sweets. 

Always marry a woman who gives birth to plenty of children (Ehyaul Uloom p.75, Ghazali here seeks authority from Baihaqi and Bukhari).  Does this need any comment?  Mullas ascribe such insults to the glorious name of the Exalted Prophet. 

It is highly tragic that stories of this kind are being taught in our Islamic schools and masajid.  This is absolutely not the Islam Mohammad (SA) brought to this world.  In the words of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Muslims are following a man-made religion.  Sir Iqbal called it Ajami (foreign) Islam and I have chosen to call it Number Two Islam.  According to Allama Iqbal, the primary reason for the creation of Pakistan was to replace this Ajami Islam with the true Islam that Prophet Mohammad had brought. 

    It is easy to see that Number Two Islam is the fundamental cause of the universal downfall of Muslims.  The true Islam is very much alive and vibrant in the Holy Qur’an, if only we would turn to it.




Sahaba and the Criminals 

The following insults to Sahaba Karam (companions of the Holy Prophet) have been taken from a popular book, Life Events of Seven Sahaba.  The writer is Ayatullah Assayed Murtaza Hussain Nasir Ferozabadi of Nasir Printing Press.  He has taken all the following narratives from the six “authentic” books of ahadith and other Sunni sources.

Abu Bakr stated during his first sermon as the first Caliph, “A satan usually controls me.  When that happens, stay away from me” (History by Tabari 2:440).

The Prophet said, “My companions will come to the sacred tank of water, but they will be pushed away.  I will say, ‘O Lord, these are my companions.’  I will be told, ‘You know not what they have done after you’” (Tafsir Ibne Jareer Tabari 4:27).

The Exalted Prophet said, “I will be the witness for the martyrs of (The Battle of) Uhud."  Abu Bakr asked about himself.  The Prophet replied, “Who knows what novelties you will bring after me?!” (reference same).

As soon as the Prophet died, all but five of his companions became heretics (Another narrative says "all but three").  The five are:  Salman, Miqdad, Abu Zar, Ammar and Huzaifa.  (The narrative about the three includes only the first three of these) (Ibne Hajar, Tahzibul Tahzib p.8-9).

Our Mullas were still not content and went one step further.  Ponder this exposition:  If the faith of Miqdad and Abu Zar was measured with the faith of Salman, even the first two would stand to be kafirs (numerous sources including the above).  Therefore, the Holy Prophet left only one true Muslim on God’s earth!  

Once the Prophet got very angry and walked away.  He went to Aisha in anger.  When asked the reason he said, “Why would I not be angry? Anything I ordain, I am not obeyed” (Ibne Maja, Babul Manasik fil Haj 4:286).  The companions of the Holy Prophet felt honored to obey him at all times. 

Ayatullah Syed Hussain writes that Allah and Rasul had permitted muta’a (temporary marriage) with women.  Bukhari and Muslim narrate of this permission and so does Musnad-e-Ahmad Bin Hanbal and that Hazrat Umar opened the door for adultery and fornication by forbidding God's bounty (i.e. muta’a).  It is not uncommon for prostitutes to use muta’a as an excuse for their activities.  Is it really possible to distinguish between temporary marriage and fornication?

Asma bint Abu Bakr said, “Muta’a (temporary marriage) was practiced by us during the time of the Holy Prophet” (Abu Wud Tayalsi 7:217).

Hazrat Umar was completely ignorant of the Qur’anic verses (Ayatullah Syed Hussain citing multiple references p.59).

Hazrat Umar went to the companions and said, “Today I was fasting.  A beautiful bondwoman came.  I had sex with her and Hazrat Ali was present there.  He said, ‘You did the right thing.  Fast another day instead of today.’  I responded, ‘Oh Ali! You are the best among verdict makers’” (Tabqat Ibne Saad 2:102).

 The black stone (in Ka’aba) is the right hand of God.  One who touches it shakes hand with God (Khateeb Baghdadi referring to three Sahaba, 7:328).

 Fakhruddin Razi, in his commentary of the Qur'an, writes that during the Battle of Uhud, Umar ran up a hill like a goat and Uthman ran so far away that it took him 3 days to come back. 

During his travel to Hajj, Hazrat Umar listened to songs from a songstress, Nabat Fouadah, until dawn (Al-Asaba 2:1). 

In Makkah, the Sahaba Karam used to pray in manners different from each other (Ayatullah Assyed Hussain with ref. to Bukhari, Tirmizi, Nisai, Mawatta Malik p.78-79). 

Hazrat Uthman burned copies of the Qur'an.  These could have been thrown in a river or buried in the ground (i.e. better disposed of), but what can be done?!  Muslims were confronted with people (like Abu Bakr and Umar) who raised their voices above the Holy Prophet’s voice.  What would stop them from insulting the Qur'an?! (Kanzul Ammal 6:46). 

Once Aisha put her hands through the Holy Prophet’s hair.  He said, your satan has come to you (Nisai, Babil Ghaira vol.2). 

It was a habit of the Prophet that when he traveled at night he chose to have intercourse with Aisha.  One night Hafsa wanted to have that privilege.  She requested Aisha to change camels with her.  So Hafsa slept with the Prophet on the camel that night. At dawn, Aisha inserted her foot in an animal hole and complained, “Last night I suffered so much torture (from being alone) that I would rather have had a scorpion sting me or a snake bite me” (Life Events of Seven Sahaba). 

Maria the Coptic was sent by the ruler of Egypt as a gift to the Holy Prophet.  A male cousin had come along with her. Soon after their arrival in Madina, Maria became pregnant.  Aisha said to the Prophet, “The baby does not resemble you at all.”  The Prophet gave his sword to Ali and ordered him to behead that cousin of Maria.  Ali found him on a date tree.  When he saw Ali, he got scared and started trembling.  His loincloth fell to the ground.  Ali observed that his penis was non-existent! (Mustadrak As-Saheehain 4:39).   Perhaps the narrator's brain was non-existent.  He is trying to convince us that the Holy Prophet encouraged retribution without due trial.  Another version of the story mentions the funny culprit being caught at a well.  Did you know that one of the supposed important tasks of Imam Mehdi will be to exhume Maria the Coptic and Hazrat Aisha to stone them to death (“Maulana” Mohammad Manzoor Naumani, Shiat Kya Hai? p.62). 

Now watch out! Tabaqat Ibne Saad 8:104:  Asma bint Noaman Jonia was one of the most beautiful women of that time.  Aisha said to the Holy Prophet, “You have started placing your hand on virgins.”  The Prophet married Asma anyhow.  Aisha taught Asma to say the phrase “I seek refuge from you in Allah.”  Asma uttered these words when the Prophet approached her.  The Prophet hid his face in his palms.  She was sent back.  Dear Reader, could this be a shameless Muslim or a scheming kafir?! 

Tabaqat Ibne Saad 8:106:  “Milkia, daughter of Kaab, was famous for her beauty and charm.   The Prophet married her.  Aisha went to Milkia and said, “Don't you feel disgraced that you are marrying the killer of your father?” 

Aisha narrated that the Prophet used to suck on her tongue while he was fasting  (Masnad Ahmed 6:123, Abu Dawood 15:237, Baihaqi 4:234).  Did these three Imams have any shame? 

Now watch the shamelessness of a venerated name like Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal:  A woman, Sehla, said to the mother of believers, Aisha, “My husband’s young servant, Salem, sometimes approaches me when I am in a thin, see-through nightdress.”  Aisha advised Selha to feed Salem on her breast five times.  Aisha used to advise her sisters and nieces that whoever needs to visit their houses often, breastfeed him on you five times, even if he happens to be a grown-up man (Masnad Ahmed bin Hanbal 6:27).  The compiler of Life Events of Seven Sahaba shows his sensitivity by expressing his dismay on the judgement of Hazrat Aisha and Hanbal for neglecting an important issue:  the man would have to handle the breasts. 

The Prophet once came to a trash heap of some locale.  He stood there and urinated.  Hammad said, “The Prophet spread his legs wide while he was urinating like a she-camel when she yields milk”  (Bukhari, Kitabal Wudhoo and Ayatullah Hussain).  There are ahadith that report the Holy Prophet prohibited urinating in the standing posture.  Surprisingly, this is one of the common matters of contention between Sunni and Shia Mullas. 

Let us reiterate that according to the Qur’an: 

    The holy companions were staunch and practical believers (8:74).

    They had exemplary respect, love and regard for one another (3:103).

    Allah was pleased with them and they were pleased with Allah (9:100).




Here are some random examples found in the so-called sacred books of Islam.  Could believing Muslims, or even sensible human beings generate this garbage?

In India, Allah has named Himself Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz (Malfoozat-e-Chisthi Ajmeri 4:149).  

The Book of Nikah in Bukhari, shows Abdullah ibn-Umar narrating, “One day I climbed to the roof of my house, I saw the Holy Prophet sitting on two bricks facing Jerusalem and relieving himself”  (Hadith #145).  Please think to what extent your knowledge has grown from this silly information.  Could a companion go spying, then furthermore narrate this foolishness? 

I kept standing for 20 years without eating or drinking because I was reflecting (Rahat il-Quloob, Nizamuddin Awlia).  

People who narrate ahadith tell lies even without intention (Imam Muslim in his preface to Saheeh-Muslim, Egypt pp.13-14). 

Hazrat Ali led Salat-il-Maghrib, but he was drunk and recited the Qur'an wrong (Abu Dawood in his collection of Hadith, Seerat-un-Nabi, Allama Shibli 2:88). 

I declare that Shams Tabrez is my Shams (the Sun) and he is my god.  Commenting on the above, Ibn-Baham writes that Mulla Rumi was homosexual and he was deeply in love with the boy Shams Tabrez.  (Commentary on Mathnawi by Ibn-Baham). 

One of the Mother of Believers, Hafsa, found the Prophet engaged in sex with Maria the Coptic and she harshly rebuked him (Shibli referencing Tabarani, Seerat-un-Nabi 1:321). 

The (woman) who buried a girl and the girl who was buried will both go to hell (Mishkat, Babul Qadar-wal-Imaan). 

No one collected the Qur'an in its complete form but Ali and his descendants (Usool Kafi 1:441).   

The Holy Prophet will hold the handle of the gate to paradise.  He will knock the door, which will be opened, and Allah will wheel Himself out in a chair.  Then the Prophet will fall into prostration (Musnad-e-Ahmed bin Hanbal).    The Bible is in good company assigning a man-like image to God.

A man complained of being single.  The Holy Prophet advised him to take a female pigeon as his wife (Imam Al-Mohaddith Al Qayyam, Tibb-e-Nabawi, Al Minaril Hanif p.106, Zadil Maad).  

The messenger of Allah saw a man chasing a female pigeon.  He said, “Look a satan is chasing a satana” (Abu Daud 4940, Ibne Maja 3765, Hanbal 2:365).

Some heretics were brought to Hazrat Ali and he burned them alive (Bukhari, Kitabul Murtadin pp.65-7).

Ali had the whole Qur'an.  Abu Bakr and Umar refused to take it.  Ali said, “One of my descendants (Mehdi) will deliver it and enforce it”  (Faslul Khitab, Mishkatil Asrar p.37 and others).

 Sheikh Abu Bakr Shibli taught a new creed to his disciples: “There is no God but Allah and Shibli is his messenger.”  If someone objected he would say, “I was only testing” (Malfoozat Khwaja Nizamuddin Awlia, Fawaid ul fawad p.404).

People have different beliefs about religion.  I believe in Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism (Ibne Arabi, Fasoos ul Hukm).  Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi is still believed to be one of the greatest Muslim saints!

 The Holy Prophet (SA) once prayed in Ka’aba while Kuffar were present.  The Satan caused him to utter these words “These idols Laat, Manaat, and Uzza are respectable and their intercession is accepted” (Imam Tabari, Seera Shibli Naumani 1:146).  Salman Rushdie based the title of his book, Satanic Verses, on this fabricated hadith.  Why didn’t someone place a bounty on Tabari’s head for this blasphemy?! 

Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said, “There are three types of books that have no basis, Ghazwat, Battles and Tafseer” (Seera Shibli 1:27). 

Ali's Qur'an is many times bigger and unaltered  (Anwaar Naamania, Muhaddith Naimatullah Aljazairi). 

The Prophet said, “I saw Allah in my dream as a young man with dense hair, green attire, golden sandals, and a veil of gold on His face (Dar Qatani 2:357, Tabarani, Baihaqi, etc.).  The reader will note elsewhere in this book God depicted as a female in other traditions. 

The Qur'an was collected by people who were sinful (Allama Baqir Majlisi, Miratul Uqool, Sharah Usool 1:171).

The Qur'an as revealed by Gabriel had 17000 verses (Now it has only 6200) (Faslul Khitab p.338). 

Seventy names of Qureshites have been dropped from the Qur'an.   Only the name of Abu Lahab was included to torture the Prophet (Hazrat Ali to Ibne-Nabat, Tafseer Miratil Anwaar). 

Many books of Fiqh, like Fatawa Alamgeeri, teach ways of escaping the grip of law.  On page 408, this huge volume advises that the safe way to steal something is for two thieves to join hands.  One should do the break-in and the other one should enter through the breech, collect the valuables, and pass onto his partner waiting outside.   None of the two will face legal punishment.

Angels bring messages to Imams that even the prophets did not receive (Tafseerul Burhan 4:484). 

Dear Reader, many books of ahadith, history and seera (biography) describe the passing on of the Holy Prophet in a very gruesome manner.  I feel hurt to repeat the details, but they end by saying that the Prophet’s eyes agonizingly widened and fixed at the ceiling.  His uncle Abbas is reported as saying, “I know the family.   Their faces become distorted before death.”  The same histories tell us that the holy companions left the body alone for three days.  Mulla Jalaluddin Rumi wrote a couplet describing the scene: 

Because the companions so loved the world, They left the Prophet without a coffin and funeral.

The Qur’an calls the Holy Prophet “Al-Muzammil”, which means the best judge of friends and comrades.  Could he choose for his companions people that this couplet, our muhadditheen (narrators of hadith) and Mullas portray?

Such verses have been added to the Qur'an, which are dumb, foolish and reprehensible (Ehtijaj Tabrasi p.126).

Here are some amusing ahadith from the collection of Mulla Ali Qari, Matba’a Mujtabai: 

     Seeing a beautiful face sharpens the eye.

     Never eat squash without Zibh (ritual slaughter).

     Brinjal  (eggplant) is a sure cure for all diseases.

     A Muslim is sweet and likes to eat sweets.

     One who falls in love and remains chaste attains the status of a martyr. 

The collection and arrangement of the Qur'an was entrusted to a man who was the enemy of the friends of Allah (Ehtijaj Tabrasi p.132). 

Imam Baqir said, “Fahasha means Abu Bakr, Munkar means Umar Farooq and Baghi means Uthman (Imam Baqir to Dawood, Miratul Anwaar Tafseer p.258). 

Allah will forgive everything except shirk.  This verse means Allah will forgive anyone except those who disbelieve in the Vilayat of Ali (Tafseer Ayashi 1:245). 

The disbeliever in the Vilayat of Ali is like a worshiper of idols (Tafseerul Burhan 2:35). 

Allah said, “Oh, Muhammad if you appointed any one but Ali as your successor, all your deeds will be in vain and you will be among the losers" (Tafseer Qummi 2:251). 

The first one to take the oath of allegiance on the hand of Imam Mehdi will be Mohammad (SA) (Basairul Darajat p.213).

Prophet Jonah (Yunus) denied the succession of Ali.  Allah put him in the belly of a whale until he repented (Tafseerul Burhan 4:37).

 Imam Ja’afar Sadiq said that Prophet Abraham was one of the Shias of Ali (Tafseerul Burhan 4:20). 

Prophet Job got into affliction because he doubted the vilayat of Ali (Tafseer Miratul Anwaar p.70). 

Imam Raza said, "There are 70,000 worlds appointed only for one duty.  That duty is to perpetually curse Abu Bakr and Umar" (Tafseerul Burhan p.47). 

During the times of the first three caliphs, right became wrong and wrong became right (Ehtijaj Tabrasi p.154).

The person of Allah means Ali and the worship of Allah means accepting the Vilayat, Imamat and Khilafat of Ali (Miratul Anwaar pp.59 and 232).

Imam Ja’afar Sadiq said, “We Imams are Salat, Zakat, Saum, and Haj.  We are Makkah and Ka’aba and we are the face of Allah” (reference same p.217).

 The status of a saint (Wali) is higher than that of a Rasul (messenger) (Sheikh Abul Fazl Sarsi, Malfoozat p.131).

Imam Ja’afar Sadiq said, “Salat means Nabi, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Hussain.  Salatil wusta (Middle Salat) in the Qur'an means Ali” (Tafseer Ayashi 1:127).

The twelve Imams create all things.  They are the providers and they control life and death.  They send people to heaven or to hell (Miratul Anwar p.67).  

The mount of Sinai broke into pieces when Prophet Moses requested to see Allah.  It was only the light of a follower of Ali that Moses saw and it shattered the mountain (Tafseerul Burhan 2:35).

The followers of Ali taught manners to Mohammad (Tafseerul Burhan 1:540).

Imam Ja’afar said, "The salat of a Naasib (non-Shia) is nothing but Zina (fornication)” (Tafseerul Burhan 4:453). 

According to Abdul Qadir Jilani, the salat of a Shia is nothing but idol worship (Ghania al-Talibain). 

Now the fun way to attain ultimate piety:  One who does Muta'a (temporary marriage) once in his life becomes equal in degree to Hussain.  Someone who does it twice equals Hasan, three times equals Ali and Muta'a four times in life makes one equal to Prophet Mohammad (Tafseer Minahj Assabiqain). 

Imam Ja’afar said, "I speak in a way which carries seventy different meanings.  I take the meanings I wish" (Asasil-usool p.65). 

The Mashaf (scripture) of Fatima is three times bigger than your Qur'an.  It carries not a single word of your Qur'an (Usool Kafi, Abu Baseer).

One who hides religion is honored by Allah.  One who reveals religion is dishonored by Allah (Usool Kafi, Bab Taqayya).

 Taqayya (deceit) is the foundation of religion (Ashshafi 1:72). 

Imam Tabari was Shia but presented himself as a Sunni through Taqqaya (Allama Tamanna Imadi, Tasveer ka Doosra Rukh).

Look at this insult rendered in the name of the Exalted Prophet:  Tuesday is the day of blood.  On this day bleeding refuses to stop (Abu Dawood Hadith #3862). 

Again in the name of the Prophet, Hadith Tirmizi records an appalling nonsense:  There is an ocean above the seventh heaven.  On that ocean are standing seven mountain goats.  On the back of those huge goats rests the throne of Allah! 

Allama Badruddin Aini and Hafiz Ibne Hajar Asqalani wrote keys to “the most authentic book after the Qur'an,” i.e. Bukhari.  They narrate that Imam Malik and Imam Shafaai used to have rectal intercourse with their wives and believed that it was permissible (Keys to the Collection of Bukhari).

A very beautiful woman used to come to the Prophet’s mosque for prayers. Some companions made it a point to stand in the rear line in order to look at her.  Imam Tirmizi says in his collection that the Qur’anic verse, “We know the first ones and the last ones”, pertains to these onlookers!   Was this the character of the glorious companions of the Holy Prophet?  We have seen the Qur’anic testimony about them before.

When the Qur'an states that your women are raiment for you and you are raiment for them, it means that the husband and wife disrobe in bed and embrace each other (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibb-e-Nabawi p.481).

Imam Ata says,There is no harm in going into a pregnant slave girl anywhere you want” (Explanation of Bukhari, Matba Noor Mohammad, 1:492).

There are two kinds of snakes that can blind a man just by looking into his eyes (Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Tibbe Nabawi, explanation of Imam Muslim’s hadith #2223 in Kitabus Salam).  Stay tuned to the Discovery Channel.   Perhaps some day these mythical creatures will show up. 

    The preceding narratives were just a sampling from an endless warehouse of absurdities.  Is it still difficult to understand why the Muslims are miserable regardless of which continent they live in?  This also explains why for the past five centuries, the Muslim Ummah has failed to produce one scientist of note.



Observations of a True Mu’min


Fazil Uloom-e-Deeniya, Dr. Capt. Masooduddin Usmani (d.1985), was a medical doctor in Karachi, Pakistan.  His work on Qur’anic principles is truly noteworthy.  He was no respecter of personalities when safeguarding the honor of Islam.  Following are excerpts from his Iman-e-Khalis, in which he compiled transgressions by many famous Muslim names: 

My father, Maulana Syed Mohammad Zakaria had possessed a whole universe within him.  He lived among lions and cheetahs in forests of the Bombay province.  Hazrat Ali conducted the marriage ceremony of my parents (in the 19th century!) (Mulla Yousuf Bannuri, 1975).

The difference between me and the rest of Creation is that of the earth and the heavens!  Do not conceive of me like any other (even prophets!) (Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani).

Angels started walking along my path when I was just 10 years old (Abdul Qadir Jeelani, Malfoozat).

Salat is a barrier between man and God (Junaid Baghdadi, Ahqaqul Haq 1:83).  Please remember that Junaid Baghdadi is allegedly one of the greatest saints of all time.

The eyes of Allah became sore and all angels visited Him by way of empathy.  Allah had cried incessantly over Noah’s Flood  (Imam Shehristani Al-Milil-wa-Al-Nihal 1:97).  They also became sore at the tragedy of Karbala, according to Malhoof, Maqtal-al-Hussain and many similar books.

Allah sits in His chair, but the chair is in His feet like sandals (Tabari 1:21).

I saw Allah in the form of a young woman with long hair.  Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas said, “Only a person out of his mind can deny this hadith” (Mulla Ali Qari citing Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Mozooat Kabeer).

Mulla Mohammad Qasim Nanotwi saw in his dream that he was sitting in the lap of Allah (Biography of Mulla Qasim by Mulla Mohammad Yaqoob Nanotwi).  Both of these Mullas were the founding fathers of the famous Darul Uloom of Deoband, India, the wholesale producer of Mullas.  Think of the plight of their students!

If you dangle a rope deep into the ground it will fall on Allah (Tirmizi Hadith, Tafsir Surah Al-Hadeed 2:530).

The dead will be questioned in the grave, “Who is thy Lord? Who is thy prophet? What is thy religion?”  If the answer comes, “Abdul Qadir Jeelani,” they will pass (Malfoozat of Jeelani, commentary by Chishti).

 Another messenger (prophet) will come and he will follow Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi, Hadaaeq Bakhshish Kamil p.120). 

Disrespect to a monk is more perilous than disrespect to Allah (Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Al-Ashraf Periodical Nov. 1991 p.23). 

Do not read the Qur’an with understanding lest you go astray (Mulla Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Fazaael Aamal p.216). 

Delaying prayer once will cause a person to burn in the hellfire for 20.88 million years (Mulla Zakaria Kandhalwi, Fazaael Namaz p.317).  By that standard, Mulla Kandhalwi himself is reasonably expected to enjoy the hellfire till eternity. 

Islam aur Maslak Parasti is another great booklet by Dr. Usmani.  On page 154, he writes:

According to the Qur’an anything dedicated to other than Allah is haram (forbidden).  It is our Mulla mind that declares such things as virtuous:

     Koondas in the name of Ja’afar Sadiq

     Halwa of Shab-e-Barat in the name of Owais Qarni

     Haleem and Sherbet in the name of Imam Hussain

     Niaz of the 11th in the name of Jeelani

Recite the whole Qur’an in one raka’ah like saints did!   (Fazaael Namaz, p.64).  That will amount to the impossible task of reciting the whole Qur’an over 50 times in a single day!

 The urine and stool of the Holy Prophet has been used as food and drink.  People have been cured by using these as such (Tahirul Qadri, supposedly a modernized reformist Mulla of today, Islam Ya Maslak Parasti p.130). 

Saints pray 2,000 raka’ahs every day.  They keep standing one full month of Ramadhan reciting the Qur'an twice a day! (Tableeghi Nisab Fazaael Aamal).

 All saints, dead or alive, used to come to the sermon of Abdul Qadir Jeelani. Even the Rasul used to attend (Abdul Haq Mohaddith Dehlawi, Akhbarul Akhbar p.39). 

I never desired to see Allah.  Allah desired to see me (Bayazid Bistami, Malfoozat p.141). 

Shah Waliullah made up 40 ahadith under the title Durr-e-thameen.  He claims that the Prophet came to him numerous times and said this and did that (Hazrat Masood-ud-Din Usmani, Iman-e-Khalis p.74).  Please remember that Waliullah was born eleven centuries after the Prophet. 

Imam Ja’afar Sadiq said, "Keep good relations with your adversaries apparently, but go against them in your heart" (Usool Kafi, Al-Shafi, Bab Taqayya 1:72).  Could an Imam say that?

“La Ilaha Ill Allah” in fact means, “There is no Imam but the Imam of the time” (Dr. Mukhia Zahid Ali, The Reality and the System of Religion p.408).

Knowledge begins with the Prophet and ends (is perfected) with the Imam (Kitabash Shafi 1:291). 

Muaawia passed by with Yazeed on his shoulder.  The Prophet said, “A dweller of hell is riding a dweller of paradise” (Malfoozat Ganj Shakar).  Yazeed was born 16 years after the Holy Prophet passed on.

Men in paradise will see clouds over their heads.  A voice will ask “Say! What kind of rain shower do you want?”  They will say, “Let women with full raised breasts rain upon us.”  Then those women will rain upon them.  The “Ultimate Success” of the Qur'an is nothing but this (Maulana Mohammad Juna Garhi, Translation of Tafseer Ibn-Kathir, part 25 p.11).

If they plan fornication, the woman should sneak into the bed of the sleeping man.  The legal punishment will not apply (Fatawa Alamgiri p.337, compiled by 500 top jurists, during the end of the 17th century).

A Persian verse of Mulla Jalaluddin Rumi translates: I have developed my mind by (sucking on) the Qur'an.  I have left bones for (you) dogs.

The first three Caliphs of Islam badly grabbed the udders of Khilafa (Caliphate) and I stood watching the looting of my property (Nehjul Balagha, Khutba Shaqshaqia, supposedly a quotation of Hazrat Ali p.136).  Caliphate, according to the Qur’an, is a matter of counsel.   It is no one’s property.  Hence Hazrat Ali could not have uttered such words.

Dear Reader, now please read the shirk (polytheism) of those who preach Tawheed (oneness of God). Risala Tazkara of Darul Uloom, Deoband of 1965 claims,  “Anyone suffering from malaria who took dust from the grave of “Maulana” Yaqoob Nanotwi and tied this dust to his body found instant relief.”

Allah cuts jokes with the Ulama of Deoband:  One of them went to a well for wudu (ablution).  He lowered the bucket in the well.  It came back full of silver.  The holy man said to Allah, “Don’t kid around! I am getting late for prayers.”  He lowered the bucket in again and this time it came back full of gold” (same magazine, April 1965). 

The voice that Moses heard on Toor (Mount Sinai) was that of Ali (Hazrat Masood-ud-Din Usmani citing many such insanities in his masterpiece work, Iman-e-Khalis p.34).  Many other narratives want us to believe that Hazrat Ali was the host while the Holy Prophet (SA) was the guest during Miraj.  It was supposedly Ali behind the curtain talking to the Rasul (SA).

The grave destroys everything in the body except the tailbone, and man will be remade from this tailbone (Fatahal Bari 8:689).  Dear Reader, such outrageous statements are unfortunately attributed to the Holy Prophet!  

By God! Your deeds are presented to me morning and evening (Imam Raza, Usool Kafi, Imam Kaleni 1:219). 

Imam Ibn Taimia wrote that Aisha’s belief about no life in the grave was totally erroneous (Al-Minhaj Al-Wahbia). 

    May Allah bless his soul, Dr. Capt. Masooduddin Usmani was a Mu’min par excellence. He conducted his jihad towards The Oneness of Allah and toward the liberation of the Muslim masses from the stronghold of Mullas and Sufis.  His magnificent voice and gallant pen were subdued by a great army of the Islamic priesthood of his time (1960s-80s).  Like all bold and true ideas, the late Dr. Usmani’s efforts could not be suppressed forever.  His works are available free from Masjid Tawheed, Keemari, Karachi.  The Muslim Ummah needs more scholars like him.




 Observations of a Bright Adversary

Dear Reader, I have come across about 10,000 infractions and insults like those presented.   A few hundred are included in this book.   For the sake of time the book has been kept brief without compromising proper illustration.  Let us see the Ajami, or Number Two Islam through the eyes of a bright non-Muslim scholar in his book, Why I am not a Muslim (1995):

“I sincerely want Muslims to get liberated from the clutch of Islam.  What a strange religion it is!  Here, a heretic must lose his head and a marriage and its consummation with little girls is perfectly permissible.  You see mystics right and left making miracles.  The top jurists teach ways of obviating law.  Hitting women is alright.  Their Imams define the sacred duty of a woman to remain closed in her home and be a source of pleasure for her husband.  Angels will curse her all night if she sleeps apart.  The Islam that I see believes in Jesus as God.  They believe in the Virgin Birth, Ascension, and return of Jesus Christ.  Muhammad did not know that Gabriel visited him until a Christian scholar and monk, Waraqa bin Nofil tells him what happened.  Waraqa thereafter remained a disbeliever in Muhammad.  The Prophet of Islam goes to eleven of his wives every night.   He cuts the hands and feet of rebels, enucleates their eyes, throws them on burning sand, refuses them water, and abandons them to an agonizing death.  In this foolish religion, belief in demons, the evil eye, amulets, bowing to saints, prostrating at graves, all indicate one’s devotion.  Islam is the most fatalistic religion on Earth.  So much so that belief in predestination is one of the articles of faith.  Finally, their God is a moody tyrant of volatile temper.  He gets easily furious and easily elated.  The books of Hadith and Fiqh of Islam are loaded with pornography. 

Don’t this scholar’s observations seem well founded?  Unfortunately, he only knows the Number Two Islam that our Mullas and Sufis propagate.  Please note that this famous scholar, who has asked to remain anonymous, is reviewing his convictions after reading the manuscript of The Criminals of Islam.


The Advisory Council

In order to think of a solution to this grievous situation, a “Shura Council” of dedicated Muslims was convened. This Shura council came up with a unanimous plan.  The result is in your hands in the form of this book. 

We hope that The Criminals of Islam will effectively discourage further propagation of falsehood.  We also hope that Muslims, after reading this book, will develop the habit of checking statements in our religious books in the light of the Qur'an, which is Al-Furqan (The Criterion).

We feel that Islamic organizations should take concrete measures to rid our books of these offenses.

The members of our Shura are men and women of integrity and of sound knowledge.  All of them are dedicated Muslims.  They fully realize that Islam is the only hope for the future of mankind and the Holy Qur'an is guidance for all humanity.  It is not the sole property of Muslims.

Here are some glimpses of the advisory meeting:

Allama Zeeshan Qadri Naqshbandi:  The most important thing to remember for all Muslims is that the honor of our beloved Prophet is very dear to our hearts. We should not hesitate to take critical notice of our so-called sacred books and their writers or interpolators. The honor of the last Messenger of Allah has been meddled with.  No so called Imam, Sufi, Saint, Wali, Faqih, or Historian, whoever he may be, can be allowed to ridicule the esteemed stature of the greatest teacher of mankind.

Dr. Shuja-ud-Din Kirmani:  It is our moral duty to let our brothers and sisters know what is going on.   Don’t they have the right to know what we have observed and learned?

Sardar Hussain, Advocate:  I am afraid that despite accurate references, and noble intentions, this book may evoke a hostile response.  This is because Muslims in general are emotional and might not grasp the benefits of this educational work.

Qari Ghulam Mohammad:  If The Criminals of Islam is not published, a book of this kind may not be written for another one thousand years.   One like it has not been written in the last one thousand years.

Hakeem Saadat Hasan Qarshi:  We need to remember that concealing the truth is a crime according to the Qur'an.  Let us communicate the facts as they are and leave the results up to Allah.  Let our enlightened Muslim brothers and sisters reach their own conclusions.   According to His Laws, Truth must prevail.

Dr. Musaddaq Hussain Farooqi:  After reviewing the manuscript of this book and checking several references, I have reached the conclusion that not all the offenses in our religious books are the conspiracy of non-Muslims. Our historians, muhadditheen and narrators have not been as scrupulous as they should have been.  We must have the courage to rid Islam of these stigmata. This is essential so that our new generation does not get disenchanted with Islam.  

Mukhtar Begum:  I think this book will be a great service to Islam.  We as Muslims have a great advantage that no nation on earth has.  Allah has bestowed upon us the ultimate Criterion, Al-Qur'an.   We can easily check all our traditions, sayings and narratives against the timeless text of the Qur'an. Anything that fails this test can safely be rejected, regardless of who wrote it and when. 

Imam Syed Mohammad An-Noori: Every discerning Muslim has, on occasion, noted nonsense in popular books of Islam.  This is the first time that some of this is being highlighted.  This book will encourage Muslims to turn to the Word of God and check the authenticity of our traditions.  People who are blessed with an open mind will love this book and feel awakened.  Those who feel safe in the cocoon of preconceived notions should rather keep their hands off this book.  I suggest that the very front cover of the book should announce:  “For the open-minded reader only”.  

Khatib Al-Muhaddis Mohammad Yasin Jaafri:  I have often wondered why great Islamic scholars have neglected this very important issue.  I have yet to see a book as forceful as The Criminals of Islam.  I pray that our scholars and common folk become enlightened of this situation and begin to view Islam in its true glory. 

Sheikhul Hadith Mufti Mohammad Irshad Nizami:  I think there are some compelling reasons why Islamic scholars have to address this issue: 

    These insults are widely spread in thousands of our books.

    Perhaps some scholars in the past were unable to address this matter due to other commitments.

    Many intelligent people may have read through this nonsense in our traditional books without stopping to think.

    Many of the concerned Muslims who noticed this rubbish kept quiet to avoid fatwas (verdicts of infidelity).

    Muslims subconsciously wish to believe that our imams and Mudadditheen were infallible. Therefore, we tend to accept whatever is given to us by them, or in their name.

    And the greatest error is our method of evaluating traditions and ahadith. Setting the Word of Allah aside, we fall for people who are narrators of history and hadith

The efforts of our scholars are focused on trying to prove the authenticity or the reliability of the narrators.  Every sect of Muslims has its own choice of narrators.  This chaos must end to establish unity among Muslims.  For an instant solution, let the Qur'an be the sole judge of ahadith and tradition. 

Batool Sultana Agha:  I like the analysis.  We all know that some of our respected historical scholars were involved in the power politics of tyrant kings. They concocted ahadith and history to please the rulers of their times.  

The Criminals of Islam will expose: 

    The political motivation of these scholars.

    Their ego problems.

    Jealousy with the Holy Prophet and his companions.

    The Sufis’ bizarre ambition to play God.

    And last but not least, Jews, Christians and Maggians fabricating stories for the sacred books of Islam under fictitious Muslim names.  

Rubab Aqeel Naqwi:  The deplorable insertions in our books are the cause for sectarianism in Islam.   I think The Criminals of Islam is a step toward the purification of these books.  It will emphasize the importance of Qur’anic scrutiny of our religious literature. 

    An Important Note by the Shura:  The final Word of Allah is the only unifying force for all humanity.  However, the fabrications in our history and ahadith should not impel us to dismiss all narratives.  The ones that pass the Qur’anic test are an excellent source for the biography of the Prophet (our salutes to him) and of the history of the blessed era of Islam.



Questions & Answers

The Criminals of Islam is the English version, and not the translation, of our book under the same title in Urdu.   The Book Islam ke Mujrim has reached thousand of Urdu readers throughout the world. We have had valuable feedback from our readers. 

In that book, we promised that even if 10% of our readers were of the opinion that the risk in the book was greater than the benefit to the Muslim Ummah, we would stop its publication. A quick glance at our data reflects that 98% of our readers have strongly supported this publication. The rest (2%) have very strongly opposed it.  To provide the reader with the “big picture”, some of the common questions and comments are now presented: 

Q: What is the purpose of this book? 

A: The objectives are manifold: 

     To educate our brothers and sisters what Islam is NOT.

     To negate the detrimental cultural traits and customs that masquerade as Islamic practices

     To bring awareness about the conspiracies against Islam.

     Enable our younger generation to distinguish between true and man-made Islam.

     To answer objections about Islam by non-Muslims.

     To develop the habit of turning to the Qur'an for verifying whatever is presented to us in the name of Allah, Rasul, the Imams, the Shari’a and the Sunnah.

 Q:  What do the opponents of the book (2% of readers) say? 

A:  The following are their objections and our answers to them: 

     Why shouldn’t we leave the trash hidden? (Well, because it stinks!  And the ignorant will flaunt it.)

     People’s faith in religion will be affected. (It will be strengthened in the Qur'an and weakened in the Sufi and Mulla culture.)

     Why do we want the faith in Sufis and Mullas weakened? Because most of the Mullas (ahbar) and Sufis (ruhban) devour the wealth of mankind wrongfully and impede them from the Way of Allah (Al-Qur'an 9:34)

     How do Mullas and Sufis stand in the way of Allah? They breed sectarianism, encourage Muslims to blindly follow their ancestors, cause man-made books to supercede and substitute the Word of Allah, propagate a culture that is inimical to human (especially women's) rights ordained by the Qur'an and they divert our energies from reality to superstition, and from action to ritual. 

Q: Some people might think your book provides ammunition to the enemies of Islam.

A: They already have it…and plenty of it.  In the last several centuries, hundreds of missionaries and orientalists have attacked Islam, citing similar statements to the ones contained in this book.  A recent example is Why I Am Not a Muslim published in 1995.  So far we do not have an effective response to publications of this kind. 

Q: What makes you think your book is an effective response? 

A: Because the materials non-Muslims use to attack Islam have been shown in this book to be fabrications. 

Q: Who are the most ardent opponents of the Urdu version of the book? 

A: Maulvis and other closed-minded people. 

Q: And favorable response? 

A: Overwhelming! Countless people have expressed their thoughts in the following ways: 

     I was asleep. This book woke me up.

     I wish this work were done centuries ago.

     I wish I had done it.

     Muslims will remain indebted to this effort.

     There were many dogmatic hurdles in my way to accepting Islam. Those hurdles have been removed by Islam ke Mujrim.

     My faith in Islam had been badly shaken by nonsensical history and     tradition found in our so-called Islamic books. After reading this book my faith has emerged stronger than ever.

     It always occurred to me that something was terribly wrong with Islam.  Now I know better.

     I did not know how to express or resolve my frustration.  Now I have a contented mind and a happy heart.  This book gave me voice.

     My faith has now become a rock solid conviction that Islam is the Right Path.

     This book has saved my life. My time, money and energy were being spent at Sufi shrines before I read this book.  

Q: Weren’t the prophets of God and their disciples human beings after all? 

A: Of course, the Qur’an asserts that all prophets were human beings.  However, they were models for humanity and they never violated God’s commandments.  The “Criminals of Islam” have not refrained from ascribing cardinal sins to the messengers of God.  Even ordinary God-fearing people would not commit the transgressions falsely ascribed to the prophets and their disciples.    

Q: Why don't our clergy open their eyes? 

A: Their education in the madrasah and their environment disallow independent thinking, so their minds become refractory to any new ideas.  Also, any threat to the aura of sanctity around the dead Mullas and Sufia is taken as a threat to their own authority.

Q: Do you think that the web of falsehood spun around Islam and specifically the Qur’an is the cause of the downfall of Muslims?

 A:     Yes, absolutely so.

 Q:    Are you not afraid of annoying people?

 A:     This is a call to revert to the Qur’an.  It is jihad (struggle in the way of God).  Why fear? 

Q: Didn’t Ghazali, Jeelani, Bukhari, Rumi know Islam better?

A:      Maybe they did.  But, look at their writings.  Who has generated this garbage?

Q:     If we cannot trust these great names whom can we?

A:      The litmus test will always be the Word of Allah.

Q:     Isn’t the Sunnah important? 

A: Sunnah, yes.  Insults, no! Remember that the Sunnah of all sects differs from each other.  Perhaps for that reason, Hazrat Aisha had to affirm that the character of the Holy Prophet was nothing but Al-Qur’an. 

Q: I agree there are numerous non-Qur’anic beliefs and practices among Muslims.  Can you list some of these? 

A: Fortune telling, omens, amulets, evil eye, ghoul and demons, worshipping humans, worshipping ancestors, interpretation of dreams, lucky numbers, lucky stones, belief in signs of the Zodiac, blind faith in rituals, belief in special stars and guardian Imams, praying at graves, reciting the Qur'an without understanding it, drinking or tying verses of the Qur'an for treatment of illness, for exorcism, for performing or countering (imaginary) magic, etc.  In fact, you cannot name them all. 

Q: How should I test the authenticity of ahadith, traditions, history, etc.? 

A: See the “Please be Empowered” paragraph later in this book.



The Book Ends,

Your Reflection Begins . . .

Dear Reader, have you observed that the fictitious accounts and stories in the so-called sacred books paint an entirely different and falsified picture of Islam?  If we desire that our young generation and non-Muslims find Islam attractive, we face a massive challenge.  We will have to separate the gold from dust.  We must realize that some realities are difficult to face.  We tend to go into denial.  But denial and the resulting inaction will only ensure persistence of the problem.

Munkir-e-Hadith or Munkir-e-Qur’an?

Dear Reader, I feel like asking Allah for a very special guidance.  He guaranteed the preservation of His Book.  Why didn’t He guard those books, which allegedly are keys to understanding the Qur’an?   Or grant us enough wisdom to understand that man-made books cannot be keys to the Qur’an.  Throughout our history, any person with reason who gathered courage to be critical of a hadith has been accused of heresy.  Our Mullas coined a special term for such a thinking individual:  munkir-e-hadith, meaning “denier of hadith”.  One cannot believe in the nonsensical drama of these man-made books, without going against the Qur’an, i.e. one would have to become munkir-e-Qur’an to accept these books.  On the other hand, if one rejects the nonsense, one is labeled munkir-e-hadithMunkir-e-hadith or munkir-e-Qur’an? What is your choice?  My humble suggestion is to remember the words of the Holy Prophet (SA) that the late Sheikh bin Baaz and Mufti Nizami have quoted in the beginning of this book.  Let us put all hadith, tradition, history, quotations and narratives to the test of the Qur’an.

Before suggesting a solution, please allow me to make a very bold statement.  A little reflection makes it abundantly clear that a denier of hadith is not, God forbid, a denier of the Holy Prophet's word.  What he is skeptical about is some report generated centuries later by historians or muhadditheen.  This point must be illustrated.  The Qur'an in two different verses (17:47 and 25:8) categorically states that people who blame the Holy Prophet for being under the influence of magic are "zalimeen", or wrongdoers.   On the other hand, our hadith literature is loaded with blasphemous accounts of the Holy Prophet getting bewitched by a Jewish magician.

Now the bold statement!  Any Muslim at this point has to choose between one of the two options:

Consider the Holy Prophet under the spell of magic and thus deny the Qur’an


Deny this hadith and hold on to the Qur'an.


Considering myself a staunch Muslim, I will without exception take the Qur'an as my authority.  What is your choice?   

About the honor of the Holy Prophet, nothing can express my feelings better than the true "Aashiq-e-Rasul,” Allama Iqbal: 

"I cannot even bear to hear that someone would say that one day the attire of the Prophet (SA) was a little unclean." 


My convictions revealed in this book would carry no weight if they were not drawn from the Final Word of God.  For the average reader, it may not be easy to judge all historical and religious narratives according to the Qur’anic injunctions.  I sincerely believe that after understanding the basic principles laid down in the Holy Qur’an, you will feel empowered to make a personal and informed decision.

Briefly, the principles are:

     The Law of Requital (Qur’an 99:7):  As you sow, so shall you reap.  Hence, reward and punishment are natural consequences of our actions.  Any contrary statement will be non-Qur’anic.

     No person can be held responsible for, or share the burden of another (53:38).

     On the authority of the Qur’an (33:21), Prophet Mohammad, the Exalted, was a model human being with the best character and conduct.  No action of his was contrary to the Qur’an.

     The Qur’an (8:74, 9:100) tells us that Allah was pleased with the companions and they were pleased with Him.  They were staunch and practical believers.

     The Qur’an repeatedly impresses upon us that the Laws of God never change (48:23).  Hence, people do not fly in the air or walk on water.

     The Qur’an is the last Message of God and Mohammad (SA) is his final Messenger.  Religion has been perfected and therefore anyone claiming Revelation, in any form, will be either insane or an impostor (5:3, 6:34, 15:9, 75:17).

With these principles in mind, you will feel empowered to test all narratives in the light of the Holy Qur’an.  However, the ideal solution is for the Islamic and literary scholars to sit down in a conference under the auspices of a Muslim government or an International Islamic Forum.  This conference should examine the vast literature consisting of insults to Islam and to human intelligence, and prohibit their publication in the future by anyone. This will be a formidable undertaking, but it is worth the effort. 

(The author is currently compiling those ahadith of the Holy Prophet that are confirmed by the testimony of the Qur’an)

Please note that no true Muslim will:

     insult Mohammad, the Exalted

     make mockery of the Holy Qur'an

     preach nonsense

    propagate shirk (polytheism), fahasha (lewdness) and munkar (evil) 

We believe that such insults are the work of the enemies of Islam in many guises.  The author of this book and his Shura regret the necessitated inclusion of immodest narratives.  We had to present these as close to the originals as possible.   If we had not done so, the purpose of writing this book would have remained unaccomplished. 


Dr. Shabbir Ahmed & Members of the Shura
